Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2018


If you look at our life, say, from Antarctica or from Mount Athos, then it seems like a strange game or even a program in which people perform assigned roles. 

One famous elder of Athos was asked by the disciples: "What should be the preaching of the Gospel in our time? 

Maybe you need to create websites, argue in social networks? " 

" Oh, children, "the elder replied with a sigh," in order to preach the Gospel, you must first embody Him in your life and receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. 

Have you watched the movie "The Matrix"? The directors guessed very precisely how our earthly world works. 
Who wants to preach the gospel without the grace of the Holy Spirit is like a person who got into the matrix and trying to change it, completely without understanding how this program was created, or who created it. "The elder said: 
" Kids, remember: only the grace of the Holy Spirit. Without grace, in fact, the world is dead and empty, and the words in it mean absolutely nothing, they are just vibrations of air.
That is how this world works, and this is how the devil rules this world. 
Yes, yes, exactly as a program with objects. 
And each of us for him is just the object of his program. 
And the task of the devil is to keep us in the world, in his program, in the matrix at all costs. 
Because, as soon as the spirit of a person solves the problem and leaves the program, then everything: the devil loses his power over him. 
We are already out of the program, because the whole sphere of the devil is there in the program, and we are outside of it. 

- And where are we when leaving the matrix? What is there? 

- And there is God. 


God constantly gives us clues and gives the means to get out of the "matrix", but we persevere in playing the roles given by the devil. 

Information portal of the Holy Mountain Athos

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