Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2019

"By His Wounds You Have Been Healed." (1st Peter 2:24)

"By His Wounds You Have Been Healed." (1st Peter 2:24)

As we piously listened to the Twelve Passion Gospels on the evening of Great and Holy Thursday, they reveal just how greatly our Lord suffered on our behalf; undergoing His Passion to set us free from ours. Yet even after His triumphal Resurrection, Jesus's Body still retained His wounds.

These wounds are part of His story and stand as a kind of testimony…a witness to what He suffered in love for us and our salvation. And as in the case of Thomas, the Apostle who "doubted" Christ's being raised from the dead, the nail imprints in our Lord's hands and feet, as well as the gaping hole from the spear which pierced His side, offered undeniable proof that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead.

In addition, these wounds also remind us that they are an integral part of our story, as well. They testify to the fact that in this world we, too, will undergo pain and sufferings throughout our lives; we too will suffer various afflictions and wounds: physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. But just like Christ, we can endure, suffer in patience, and triumph; reassured by the knowledge that Jesus understands our grief, pain, and anguish having lived it Himself.

Fr. John

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