The famous Elder Nikolai Guryanov (1909-2002) from the island of Zalita had his favorite cat Lipa.

The famous Elder Nikolai Guryanov (1909-2002) from the island of Zalita had his favorite cat Lipa. One of the spiritual daughters of the deceased father recalls: "From my first trip I remember how the priest from his house goes to the temple, around a crowd of pilgrims, and the cat Lipa runs along the side and just behind him." Halfway to the temple, Lipa was very fond of the priest and ran after him like a dog,the priest suddenly broke off the conversation with the pilgrims, stopped, looked around and said kindly: "Go ahead, go home!" The cat obediently turned and ran home, giving us an example of unquestioning obedience. " 


When Lipa was a kitten, he, like all the usual kittens, loved to play and hunt. Once he caught a bird on the fly and ate it. I saw it when my father was already late: Lipa sweetly licked, and around him were scattered feathers from that unfortunate bird. The priest approached the prankster, shook his head severely and told him not to do it any more. The cat frowned, guiltily shook his head, as if begging for forgiveness. Since then, not a single bird has Lipa offended - he managed to fish. And when a little bird made a nest in the yard of the priest, and seeing the temptation of the surrounding cats, Lipa selflessly stood up for the defense of both the mother and her yellow-headed offspring. So he protected his new neighbors, while the chicks grew up and flew. 


When father came out on the porch, the first to him flew pigeons, which filled the whole courtyard - they sat down on his shoulders, head, hands. Once, when the elder spoke to the pilgrims, a white dove flew before him all the time, sat down on the elder's skufei, then again took off, flapped his wings and did not leave him for a second. 

The elder, when the pigeon sat on him again, told the pilgrims:
- You see, he protects me. You know, you want to share everything with the birds. I've been feeding pigeons since I was six. My mother said that they thank God. After the death of Elder Nicholas, local residents repeatedly noticed that the pigeons suddenly left their place in the courtyard at once from time to time, flocked to the grave of the elder and walked around it. 
In the same place, at the place of rest of his master, the orphaned Lipa sat motionless. He was taken home, but he came back .... 

From the collection "The Starets Nikolai and the Doves."

Everything beautiful is associated with pain, but pain leads to joy.Elder Ephraim of Arizona.

Everything beautiful is associated with pain, but pain leads to joy. The rose produces thorns, and a rose grows out of the thorn. A rainbow usually appears after a thunderstorm. The storm must pass so that the stars become visible in the sky.

Anyone who looks at suffering through the prism of eternity has already won.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

From God comes grace, but from us comes labor.

"From God comes grace, but from us comes labor. 
Therefore, let no one even think that the Holy Apostles relied solely on the God-given grace, or that it was easy for them, or that they performed their great work in the world 
without effort................
so it was that the Apostles did not rely on grace alone, but also put forth nearly superhuman effort to show themselves worthy of God's grace."

- St. Nikolai Velimirovich 

Δροσιά στην ψυχή πολλών ανθρώπων η μνήμη της αγρυπνίας στο παρεκκλήσι των Αποστόλων Πέτρου και Παύλου στο Κορωνάτο με τον π. Γεράσιμο.

Δροσιά στην ψυχή πολλών ανθρώπων η μνήμη της αγρυπνίας στο παρεκκλήσι των Αποστόλων Πέτρου και Παύλου στο Κορωνάτο με τον π. Γεράσιμο. Όλα εκείνα τα σκαλιά με τα φωτάκια που ανέβαιναν σαν νεάνιδες οι ηλικιωμένες κυρίες μας, η κ, Τασία, η κ. Νόρα, φτερά στα πόδια τους ... Μέσα στη σιγαλιά που την διέκοπταν τα ακούσματα των γρύλων και οι γλυκές ψαλμωδίες της αγιασμένης νύχτας τώρα στη μνήμη ζωντανεύουν τα λόγια του:
Σήμερα έχουμε γιορτή αδελφοί μου, απόψε κάνουμε αγρυπνία και θα υπάρχει Εκκλησία, θα υπάρχει Θεία Λειτουργία, θα υπάρχουν Χριστιανοί έως συντελείας του αιώνος. Και αυτό, διότι η Εκκλησία είναι έργο του Χριστού, που σημαίνει ότι εδώ έχουμε θαύμα. Την Εκκλησία, την Αγία Τριάδα, το Πανάγιο Πνεύμα, δεν τα εμποδίζει τίποτα, δεν υπάρχει καμιά δυσκολία, κανένα εμπόδιο, κανείς διώκτης.
Αδελφοί μου, και ο Πέτρος και ο Παύλος, και ο Ανδρέας, και οι άλλοι Απόστολοι βρήκαν το δρόμο. Εμάς αδελφοί μου μας αρέσει το βόλεμα. Ας ακούσουμε τον Απόστολο Παύλο που λέει “Χριστόν ακολουθήσομεν”, που σημαίνει ανηφοριά, Γολγοθάς, που σημαίνει Σταυρός. Αλλά πίσω από όλα αυτά υπάρχει αυτό που είδε ο Παύλος. Ανέβηκε στον Ουρανό καὶ ἤκουσεν ἄρρητα ρήματα, 'ἃ οὐκ ἐξὸν ἀνθρώπῳ λαλῆσαι', που σημαίνει Παράδεισος, που σημαίνει η συνείδηση να σε επαινεί, που σημαίνει χαρά πνευματική, που σημαίνει χάρη του Ουρανού, που σημαίνει Ογδόη Ημέρα.
Κάθε εποχή, όπως και η δική μας, ζει την Αποκάλυψη. Ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος λέει ότι είδε την Ουράνια Πόλη καὶ "τὸ τεῖχος τῆς πόλεως ἔχον θεμελίους δώδεκα, καὶ ἐπ᾿ αὐτῶν δώδεκα ὀνόματα τῶν δώδεκα ἀποστόλων τοῦ ἀρνίο". Αποκ. 21,1. 'Και το τείχος της πόλεως είχε δώδεκα θεμέλια, και επάνω εις αυτά ήσαν δώδεκα ονόματα, των δώδεκα Αποστόλων του Αρνίου'.
Σε κάθε εποχή πασχίζουν οι άνθρωποι να στήσουν θεμέλια, αλλά αντί να οικοδομούν γκρεμίζουν, αντί να κτίζουν χαλάνε. Όμως υπάρχουν τα θεμέλια του Παραδείσου μέσα στην ιστορία. Ήρθε ο Χριστός μες στη ζωή μας, και μας λέει ο Απόστολος Παύλος
"Μιμηταί μου γίνεσθε, καθὼς κἀγὼ Χριστοῦ.
Και ο Θεός της Αγάπης βρίσκεται μεθ' ημών".
Να έχουμε την ευχή του

Παρασκευή 29 Ιουνίου 2018

In today's gospel Christ tells of the parable of the sower.

In today's gospel Christ tells of the parable of the sower. But lest we feel saddened that not all of the seeds took root, listen to what Fr. Alexander Elchaninov wrote in his diary: "...let us not be downhearted. See how the sower goes on sowing among the rocks and thorns and by the roadside. This means that he places some hope even in such fields as these. And we know from the lives of the saints which had seemed irreclaimably stifled by sin, blinded by passion, hardened by evil, became good ground, fertile and productive, purified of poisonous mixtures and alien seeds."

Fr. John


Στη νιάτα του , ο Εφραίμ αμάρτησε πολλή  αλλά  για μια αμαρτία  καταδικάστηκε. Εν τω μεταξύ, έτσι συνέβη το εξής ότι οι κλέφτες έκλεψαν από το γείτονά τους ένα πρόβατο. Ο γείτονας υποψιαζόταν τον Εφραίμ και τον μήνυσε. Και ο Εφραίμ, εντελώς αθώος αυτής της κλοπής, φυλακίστηκε. Θρηνημένος από το ψέμα , ο Εφραίμ άρχισε να κλαίει και να φωνάζει στον Θεό. Όντας σε ένα κελί με άλλους εγκληματίες, άρχισε να ενδιαφέρεται να μιλάει μαζί τους, για τους λόγους που οι άλλοι φυλακίστηκαν. Του ρώτησε με τη σειρά του, και ένας μίλησε μαζί του, και άλλος ένας. Στα κακά τους πράγματα, ο Εφραίμ αναγνώρισε τις αμαρτίες του, για τις οποίες κανένας δεν τον τιμωρούσε. Τότε πνίγηκε το πνεύμα του και συνειδητοποίησε ότι φυλακίστηκε όχι λόγω κλεμμένων προβάτων, αλλά λόγω πολλών άλλων παραπτωμάτων. 

Λυπημένος, ο Ephraim μετανόησε ενώπιον του Κυρίου και άρχισε να προσεύχεται ευσυνείδητα στον Θεό για να συγχωρήσει τις μυστικές αμαρτίες του, ενώ παράλληλα συνέχιζε να τον ευχαριστεί για το γεγονός ότι ήταν φυλακισμένος. Σύντομα απελευθερώθηκε, παρακαλώντας να μην είναι ένοχος. Το περιστατικό αυτό έλαβε χώρα στην ψυχή του Εφραίμ.
Το μπουντρούμι τον πήρε ως αμαρτωλό και τον απελευθέρωσε στην ελευθερία ως άγιο.
Άγιος Νικόλαος της Σερβίας


Το 2007, σε μία συζήτηση αποκάλυψε τα εξής σε πνευματικό του τέκνο (τον π. Παύλο Τσουκνίδα): «Έρχεται, όπου νά ’ναι, μεγάλη κρίση στην Ελλάδα. Θα κλείσουν μαγαζιά, θα απολυθούν υπάλληλοι, θα κλείσουν μαγαζιά και επιχειρήσεις. Μη ρωτάς τι πείνα έρχεται! Πάνε αυτά που ήξεραν (εξαλλοσύνες, σπατάλες, καλοπέραση…)! Το ψωμί, τώρα το πετάνε! Όμως σ’ αυτήν την κρίση που έρχεται –θα είναι παγκόσμια βέβαια– αλλά στην Ελλάδα θα είναι μεγαλύτερη· θα πουν το “ψωμί–ψωμάκι’”! Δουλειές, δεν θα υπάρχουν. Έρχεται φτώχεια και πείνα, πάτερ Παύλε! Σου το λέω, να το ξέρεις!».

Ο π. Σεραφείμ Δημόπουλος, με την καθάρια δύναμη του Αγίου Πνεύματος που ενοικούσε μέσα του, είχε προειδοποιήσει πολύ χαρακτηριστικά έναν πολύτεκνο οικογενειάρχη, ο οποίος στις αρχές του 2008 θέλησε να ζητήσει «ευλογία» από τον Γέροντα για να αρχίσει να κτίζει κάτι για τα παιδιά του. Και ο Γέροντας π. Σεραφείμ, του απάντησε: «Όχι, παιδί μου! Ν’ ασχοληθείς με την γη για να ζήσεις τα παιδιά σου. Γιατί, να! Θα κοιμηθούμε ένα βράδυ και θα τα έχουμε όλα. Και το πρωΐ θα ξυπνήσουμε και δεν θα έχουμε τίποτε!».

“Though your sins be like scarlet, they may be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

O, the boundless mercy of God! In His greatest wrath upon the faithless and ungrateful people, upon the people “laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters” (Isaiah 1:4), as “princes [rulers] of Sodom” (Isaiah 1:10) and upon the people who have become as the “people of Gomorrah” (Isaiah 1:10) – in such wrath, the Lord does not abandon mercy but rather calls them to repentance. Just as after terrible lightnings, a gentle rain falls.

 Such is the Lord long-suffering [patient] and full of mercy and “neither will He keep His anger forever” [Psalm 102:9 (103:9)]. Only if sinners cease to commit evil and learn to do good and turn to God with humility and repentance they will become “white as snow.” The Lord is mighty and willing. No one, except Him, is able to cleanse the sinful soul of man from sin and, by cleansing, to whiten it. 

No matter how often linen is washed in water with ashes and soap, no matter how often it is washed and rewashed, it cannot receive whiteness until it is spread under the light of the sun. Thus, our soul cannot become white, no matter how often we cleanse it by our own effort and labor even with the help of all legal means of the law until we, at last, bring it beneath the feet of God, spread out and opened wide so that the light of God illumines it and whitens it. The Lord condones and even commends all of our labor and effort, i.e., He wants us to bathe our soul in tears, by repentance to constrain it by the pangs of the conscience to press it, to clothe it with good deeds and in the end of ends, He calls us to Him: “Come now,” says the Lord, “and let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18). That is, I will look at you and I will see if there is Me in you and you will look upon Me as in a mirror and you will see what kind of person you are.

O Lord, slow to anger, have mercy on us before the last wrath of that Dreadful Day.Book Prologue of Ohrid Volume 2

+ St. Nikolai Velimirovich, Homily for August 5 in The Prologue of Ohrid Volume II

Why is it so hard to save the soul?

Why is it so hard to save the soul?

A certain monk prayed earnestly, saying:

"Lord, you are merciful and patient, so why is it so hard to save the soul and why is hell full of sinners?"

He prayed for a long time, asking this question to God. And then, finally, an angel of the Lord came to him and says:

"Let's go, I'll show you the ways people walk."

They left the cell, and the angel led the monk into the forest.

"You see that woodcutter who bears a heavy bundle of firewood and does not want to lose a little for relief?" asked the angel. "Similarly, certain people bear their sins and do not want to repent."

After that the angel shows the monk a well with water and says:

"Do you see a madman who draws water from a well with a sieve?" So people repent. They draw the grace of forgiveness, and then sin again, and grace flows like water through a sieve.

Again the angel shows the monk a person and says:

"Do you see the one who laid a log across the horse and mounted on horseback to enter the temple of God, and the log in the door gets stuck?" So people do their good deeds - without humility but in pride. And now, you yourself, tell me, is it easy for God to save such people by conforming to mercy with His justice?

Ενώ ο Άγιος Ιουστίνος Πόποβιτς μας λέει για τους «καλούς» που λένε όμως ότι δεν πιστεύουν:

«Λένε: υπάρχουν και άθεοι καλοί άνθρωποι. Ναι, οι άθεοι μπορούν να είναι προσωρινά καλοί, επιφανειακά καλοί, φαρισαϊκά καλοί. Αλλά ο άθεος δεν μπορεί να είναι αληθινά καλός, διαρκώς καλός, βαθειά καλός, αθάνατα καλός, επειδή γι αυτό χρειάζεται να είσαι σε πνευματική σχέση, σε πνευματική συγγένεια με τον πραγματικά Μοναδικό Αγαθό και Αιώνια Αγαθό: με τον Θεό και Κύριο Χριστό. Είναι αληθινός δι' όλων των αιώνων ο θείος λόγος του Σωτήρος: “χωρίς εμού ου δύνασθε ποιείν ουδέν” (Ιωάν. ιε´ 5)».

The Orthodox Home Creating an Orthodox Christian environment in the home

Creating an Orthodox Christian home begins with the icon corner. The "bright corner" becomes the center for every domestic church, where the family devotions take place. Each member of the family should have their own patron saint's icon, and a wonderful practice from ancient times is to have a family icon written so that all their patron saints are represented in the same icon. This is also the family's way of declaring to visitors that this is a Christian home with Christ as it's head.

The family should try as best they can to have dinner together every night of the week. Watching TV while eating dinner is a very bad idea, for the meal should be the time when the parents can talk to their children about school, or other activities. In these modern times there are almost always school or work related activities that don't always allow everyone to be together for that all important family meal, but every effort should be made to make this happen as often as possible.

The blessing of the meal, with the father or mother making the sign of the cross over the meal with their fingers together as done when blessing oneself, should never be avoided. If we always say a blessing over our food at home, we are more likely to do so when at school or in a restaurant.

Television, and the overuse of the Internet, wreak havoc on family life, and as such, have become foreign invaders in our homes, having replaced Christ as head of our household. Bad habits are hard to overcome, so replacing these with communal time in the living room may be difficult at first, but this is necessary as the basic foundation of any Orthodox Christian home.

We must guard our home from other invaders as well. Magazines and other reading material should be in sync with our Christian values. If we'd rather our priest not see a magazine or certain book in our home, it shouldn't be there in the first place. As well, the music played should be uplifting, devoid of profanity and vulgarity.

Regular family meetings where everyone has an opportunity to share  about things, and where the atmosphere is loving, open and safe, help create trust and a sense of security for everyone. Although it is natural for parents to argue on occasion, this should never take place in front of the children, for they need to feel safe and secure in the home.

Boys need to see their fathers as icons of Christ, always demonstrating the biblical image of a husband and father. Men need, for the sake of their children, to give witness to the importance of prayer and church attendance. Statistically, children, whose father is a church goer, are far more likely to remain in the faith as adults. Because the husband is a sort of domestic priest (the priesthood of all believers), it is important that he be the one who leads the entire family in prayer. Men should not leave spiritual instruction up to their wives, but should remember they will ultimately be held accountable before the Lord, come judgement day.

Men should not let their wives do all the house cleaning and cooking. In an age where both husband and wife often need to hold down jobs in order to make ends meet, a woman's work is not just household work. She should not have to come home from work and be expected to do all the housework and cooking by herself. Men need to teach their children by example to help around the house.

Children should be given a small allowance (according to age) so they can learn to manage money, and an important part of money managing is the tithe. The biblical command to give ten percent of one's income back to God is almost never practiced in the Orthodox Church, which is why so many clergy are given such meager salaries, and parishes have to hold festivals and bazaars in order to keep the temple open. When we fail to tithe we are stealing from God, and the child who tithes ten percent of his allowance will grow into an adult Orthodox Christian who tithes.

These are basic suggestions for creating an Orthodox home. If you begin to implement these suggestions, the Lord will reward you with a family that stands strong and your children will grow up as spiritually healthy Christians, grounded in biblical teachings and moral fortitude. Your grandchildren will, in return, be raised with the same biblical principles and you will be the most blessed grandparents on your block!

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

The Divine Flame We will be consumed by the Divine Flame.

The very first moment we decide to turn to God, our heart begins to be warmed by the action of the Holy Spirit. Our heart is kindled with the Divine Flame that will transform us. This flame will consume us completely, and will melt everything of a fallen nature within us. Once this flame of Divine Love has been actualized within our heart, we must do nothing that will allow it to be extinguished. We must cooperate with the Fire of God, and let it completely consume us.  

We must put all our effort into this spiritual transformation that is begun in our heart, and let nothing else take center stage over this action by God that is meant to save us, and make us whole and complete.

From a little flame, this fire will burn in our heart, and nothing of our fallen nature will be able to withstand it. This flame will transform our whole being, as the action of the Holy Spirit will take us into God's Kingdom, and we will be transformed into the likeness of God.

Love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

"Conduct yourselves with fear in the time of your sojourning" (1 Peter 1:17).

These are the words of the great Apostle Peter, words that have a dual foundation: heavenly inspiration and personal experience. By divine inspiration, Peter, a simple fisherman, became a teacher of the people, a pillar of the Faith and a powerful miracle-worker. According to his own experience he learned that all of his wisdom and power was of God and, because of that, one should possess the fear of God. No other fear, except the fear of God. 
The foolish one becomes frightened only when lightning flashes and thunder cracks but the wise man fears God every day and every hour. The Creator of lightning and thunder is more awesome than both of them and He does not appear before you, from time to time, as lightning and thunder rather He is continually before you and does not move away from you. That is why it is not enough, from time to time, to have fear of God, but one must breathe in the fear of God. The fear of God is the ozone in the suffocating atmosphere of our soul. This ozone brings purity, easiness, sweet fragrance and health. Until he had become strengthened in the fear of God, Peter was only Peter and not an apostle, hero, teacher of the people and miracle-worker. 
O my brethren, let us not rejoice before the harvest. This, our life, is not a harvest but rather, it is a sowing, labor, sweat and fear. The plower lives in fear until he has gathered the fruits from the field. Let us also delay our rejoicing for the day of harvest, for now is the time for labor and fear. Will I be saved? This question should torment every one of us, in the same way that the plower is tormented by the question: "Will I reap the fruit of my labor in the field?" The plower labors and fears everyday. Let us also labor and fear "all the time of our sojourning" on earth. 
O awesome and powerful Lord, sustain us in Your fear. 
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.


29th June 

Peter was the son of Jonah and the brother of Andrew, the First-called. He was of the Tribe of Simeon from the town of Bethsaida. He was a fisherman and, at first, was called Simon but the Lord was pleased to call him Cephas or Peter: "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, He said, You are Simon the son of Jonah: you shall be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a rock" (St. John 1:42). He was the first of the disciples to clearly express faith in the Lord Jesus saying: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (St. Matthew 16:16). His love for the Lord was great and his faith in the Lord gradually strengthened. When the Lord was brought to trial, Peter denied Him three times but after only one glance into the face of the Lord, Peter's soul was filled with shame and repentance. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter appears as a fearless and powerful preacher of the Gospel. Following one of his sermons in Jerusalem, three-thousand souls converted to the Faith. He preached the Gospel throughout Palestine and Asia Minor, throughout Illyria and Italy. Peter worked many powerful miracles; he healed the sick, resurrected the dead; the sick were healed even from his shadow. He had a great struggle with Simon the Magician who proclaimed himself as god but in reality Simon was a servant of Satan. Finally, Peter shamed and defeated him. By order of the evil Emperor Nero, Simon's friend, Peter was condemned to death. Installing Linus as Bishop of Rome, counseling and comforting the flock of Christ, Peter proceeded joyfully to his death. Seeing the cross before him, he begged his executioners to crucify him upside down for he considered himself unworthy to die as did his Lord. Thus the great servant of the Great Lord reposed and received the wreath of eternal glory. 


Paul was born in Tarsus of the tribe of Benjamin. At first, he was called Saul, studied under Gamaliel, was a Pharisee and a persecutor of Christianity. He was miraculously converted to the Christian Faith by the Lord Himself Who appeared to him on the road to Damascus. He was baptized by the Apostle Ananias, was called Paul and numbered in the service of the great apostles. With a fiery zeal, Paul preached the Gospel everywhere from the borders of Arabia to Spain, among the Jews and among the Gentiles. He received the title "Apostle to the Gentiles." As horrible as his sufferings were, so much more was his super human patience. Throughout all the years of his preaching Paul, from day to day, hung as one on a weak thread between life and death. Since he fulfilled all days and nights with labor and suffering for Christ, since he organized the Church in many places and since he attained such a degree of perfection he was able to say: "It is now no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). Paul was beheaded in Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero at the same time as the Apostle Peter.

Πέμπτη 28 Ιουνίου 2018

Q: I keep noticing on the church calendar that there are a series of tones listed for each week. What are these?

A: The Orthodox Church uses eight musical scores or "tones" which are sung in graduating order over the course of eight weeks and then repeated on a regular basis after that. These eight tones, known as the Octoechos in Greek, have existed since the time of the Early Church and most probably originated in Jerusalem or Antioch. Their roots may even predate Christianity, existing to some degree as a testament to ancient Jewish chanting styles.

In the 8th century, Saint John of Damascus systematically organized these scores into a Book of Eight Tones (Octoechos).  Each tone has its own unique set of melodic formulas, which provide hymnographers a dimension of both structure and diversity as they compose and/or write hymns.

Fr. John

Η ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΙΚΟΓΈΝΕΙΑ. Γέροντας Θαδδαίος της Βιτόβνιτσα.

Έχει τεράστια σημασία να υπάρχει κάποιος που να προσεύχεται πραγματικά μέσα στην Οικογένεια. Η προσευχή προσελκύει την Χάρη του Θεού και την αισθάνονται όλα τα μέλη της Οικογένειας, ακόμα κι εκείνοι των οποίων η καρδιά έχει παγώσει. Πάντα να προσεύχεστε.

Γέροντας Θαδδαίος της Βιτόβνιτσα.

Ποτέ να μήν λές: ''γιατί περνώ αυτό'';

Ποτέ να μήν λές: ''γιατί περνώ αυτό''; Ή όταν βλέπεις τον άλλο με τη γάγγραινα, τον καρκίνο ή την τύφλωση, να μήν λές: ''γιατί το περνά αυτό''; ... Αλλά να παρακαλείς τον Θεό, να σου χαρίσει το όραμα της άλλης όχθης... Τότε θα βλέπεις όπως οι Άγγελοι τα γινόμενα εδώ, όπως πραγματικά είναι: ΟΛΑ στο Σχέδιο του Θεού. ΟΛΑ !

Γερόντισσα Γαβριηλία.

«Δόξα σοι, Θεέ, ότι δεν εκπληρωσες ορισμένα από τα πιο τρελά όνειρά μου!» Από το βιβλίο του O. Nikolaeva «Heavenly Fire» και άλλες ιστορίες.

Για παράδειγμα, η μητέρα μου πάντα ονειρευόταν ότι δεν πρέπει να πλένει τα πιάτα και να καθαρίσει ... 
Και η φίλη  μου ηθοποιός και τραγουδίστρια Λούλα ήθελε να μεταναστεύσει ( «μόνο και μόνο για να βγούμε από αυτη τη καταραμένο  χώρα!»). 
Και η φίλη μου Lenya Zolotarevsky ονειρευόταν να γίνει εξαιρετικά πλούσια. 

Και η όμορφη Ειρήνη ονειρευόταν να μάθει να οδηγεί ένα αυτοκίνητο και να αγοράζει για τον εαυτό σας κάτι σαν το "alfa - Romeo". 

Και έτσι η μητέρα μου υπέφερε από ένα εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο και δεν ξανά επλυνε τα πιάτα για τα τελευταία δέκα χρόνια της ζωής της ούτε καθαριζε το σπίτι, απλά βρισκόταν στο κρεβάτι.

Και  η Λούλα πήγε στο Ισραήλ για  νά ζήσει  εκεί σε ένα κιμπούτς και - από ηθοποιός, τραγουδιστής, χορευτής - πήγαινε κάθε μέρα για φαγητό στην αποψίλωση των δασών για τη συλλογή  κάποιων κλαδιων , και όλο το πάθος της στο  εξωτερικό  και η επιθυμία της για καλλιτεχνική καριέρα  είχε μειωθεί σε μια απλή πρωτοβουλία: στις διακοπές, τραγούδουσε στις γιορτές και  με ένα εκφραστικό τρόπο ενός ηθοποιού, έλεγε τα αστεία. 

Όμως η Λένια Ζολταρέβσκι έγινε εξαιρετικά πλούσια, αλλά απήχθη και απαίτησαν λύτρα γι 'αυτην. Και όταν γέννησε τον γιο της , αρρώστησε και η ίδια η Λενια   πέθανε σύντομα από λευχαιμία. Οι γιατροί είπαν: είναι όλα - από το μεταφερόμενο άγχος.

Η  όμορφη Ειρήνη έμαθε να οδηγεί ένα αυτοκίνητο, αλλά δεδομένου ότι δεν είχε χρήματα, ΠΟΎΛΗΣΕ το  διαμέρισμα δύο υπνοδωματίων και με  τα χρήματα αγόρασε «Άλφα - Romeo» και με  τα υπόλοιπα  θέλησε να αγοράσει διαμέρισμα δύο υπνοδωματίων στο κέντρο. Και τότε ξαφνικά οι ιδιοκτήτες των διαμερισμάτων ανέβασαν τις τιμές στην  δε  Ειρήνη σε μια συμπλοκη  έσπασαν το αυτοκίνητο και ως εκ τούτου αναγκάστηκε να μετακομίσει με τον πρώην σύζυγό της. Έζησε με το νεαρο σύζυγό της και δύο νεαρούς γιους . Και η Ειρήνη πέρασε έξι μήνες στο σπίτι τους και στη συνέχεια εξαφανίστηκε κάπου. 

Ειλικρινά, μερικές φορές σκέφτομαι: «Δόξα σοι, Θεέ, ότι δεν εκπληρωσες ορισμένα από τα πιο τρελά όνειρά μου!» 

Από το βιβλίο του O. Nikolaeva «Heavenly Fire» και άλλες ιστορίες.

Q: What is our Church's view on tattooing and body piercing?

A:  This is a very good question because it seems that people of every age and background are experiencing the sudden allure of tattoos and body piercing.

The word tattoo is derived from the Tahitian word tatay, meaning "to inflict wounds," and was a form of self-mutilation practiced in association with either the death of a loved one or as a rite of passage at puberty. Body piercing and tattoos were common amongst many pagan cultures – even as far back as 5,000 years ago – until they were formally banned by the early Christian Church because it was considered to be a desecration of the body. Yet even before this, the Hebrews were cautioned by God against this blatant pagan practice. In the Book of Leviticus, God tells the people: "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks upon you" (Lev. 19:28). It just doesn't get any planner than this.

In First Corinthians 6:19-20, Saint Paul teaches: "Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." Therefore, if our body is not our own, but God's, then we should make every effort to protect it and maintain it undefiled and pure. We must make every effort to treat our bodies as a temple and dwelling place of His glory.

Many young people will claim that it is their individual right to use their bodies to make fashion and/or personality statements with ink and metal. However, God has called us to a much higher fashion: to be "ambassadors for Christ" and to "present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God…and do not be conformed to this world" (Romans 12:1-2).

Christians, therefore, should not transform themselves according to the latest whims and fads of society, but rather conform to and abide by the will of God. Instead of using our bodies for artistic expression, make an expression of faith by maintaining your body pure, spotless, and undefiled as a true example of something which is much more than just skin deep!

Fr. John

Q: Why do we need to go to church and worship God? What if we don't get anything out of it?

A: Orthodox Christians gather together to worship God in order to enter into union with Him and His People (The Church) through the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and other Sacraments, or Mysteries. Through these we receive strength to embolden us as we continue on the road of salvation and anticipate "the life of the world to come." In our worship, we stand before the throne of God (the Altar), loving one another so "that with one mind we might confess Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity one in essence and undivided." And in our worship, especially in the Divine Liturgy, we acknowledge and participate in all that Christ has done for us – His incarnation, life, passion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension – while anticipating His second and glorious coming.

The fundamental purpose of the Church's liturgical services is the worship of God. Orthodox Christian worship is always "God-centered," rather than "man-centered;" in other words, it's not about you, but about God. Worship is not meant to entertain, but to inspire (meaning "in the spirit") and allows us a unique foretaste of His Heavenly Kingdom. In our worship we strive to please God, not ourselves – and this is a great honor. In essence, worship doesn't revolve around what you might or might not "get out of it," it's all about what you "give" to God.

Fr. John

Q: Can anyone force a priest to reveal sins told to him during Confession?

Q: Can anyone force a priest to reveal sins told to him during Confession?

A: Although countless novels and many movies such as "A Prayer for the Dying" and Hitchcock's classic, "I Confess," have dealt specifically with this exact same issue, in the end, the basic answer to your question is "NO;" no priest can be compelled to reveal a penitent's confession. Within the Sacrament of Repentance there exists a "seal" between you, God, and your Spiritual Father. There are no exceptions, nor can there be, to this fact.

Always keep in mind that each confession is made directly to God, for only He, alone, can forgive and remit sins. The priest's role within this sacred and solemn process is to stand alongside the penitent to bear witness to this event; providing moral support and spiritual guidance necessary to restore us to God's great and immeasurable love. Then, after the penitent has freely and honestly confessed their sins, and having promised to mend their ways, the priest places his stole (epitrachelion) upon their head and reads the prayer of absolution which, through God’s sacramental presence and ever-flowing mercy, takes away the heavy burden, guilt, and shame of those sins.

Fr. John

Το φρόνημα του κόσμου.

Σε αυτό το σπίτι που δεν ακούγονται προσευχές, που δεν υπάρχει η νηστεία, οι βίοι των Αγίων, ενα πνευματικό πρόγραμμα, μένει το φρόνημα του ''κόσμου'', δεν κατοικούμε εμείς. Να κάνουμε το σπίτι μας ενα μικρό μοναστηράκι...

Άσκηση δεν είναι μόνο το να πάμε στήν έρημο, είναι μια προσευχή που θα πείς απο αγάπη για τον Χριστό, η υπομονή στο σύζυγό σου, η φροντίδα μέχρι αργά στα παιδιά σου, ολα να γίνονται μέσα στήν εν Χριστό αγάπη... η αγιότητα είναι για όλους.

Που είμαστε σήμερα; Απο εκεί να ξεκινήσουμε, δεν θα γίνουμε ''ασκητές στο Άγιον Όρος'' ξαφνικά αύριο, δεν διαβάζουμε σήμερα βίους Αγίων; Αύριο, βάλε στόχο... Βλέπουμε τηλεόραση; να βλέπουμε λιγότερο, και αν μπορούμε να την πετάξουμε κιόλας...