Τρίτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

“Now Jesus began His ministry at about thirty years of age.” (Luke 3:23)

“Now Jesus began His ministry at about thirty years of age.” (Luke 3:23)

According to ancient Jewish law and custom, thirty was considered the age of full maturity - physically and mentally - and also deemed a suitable age to undertake important roles of great responsibility. David became king at thirty (2nd Samuel 5:4). Joseph was thirty when he entered service to Pharaoh (Genesis 41:46). Jewish priests (Levites) began their service at this age (Numbers 4:3, 23, 30, 35). And at thirty, John the Baptist also began his own prophetic ministry, preparing the way for Christ and ushering in the Messianic age. Therefore, so as to fulfill His own role of Priest, Prophet, King, and Teacher (Rabbi), our Lord did so at this specific age in keeping with Jewish tradition. 

Fr. John

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