Δευτέρα 6 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell:

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell:

In today’s gospel lesson Jesus heals two individuals: the woman who is hemorrhaging blood and a father’s dying daughter. Obviously, these healings brought about instantaneous joy and thanksgiving because their prayers are answered. Yet what happens when our prayers are not answered, when things do not turn out the way we had hoped or when tragedies occur? Is it ever all right to question God or be angry at Him when things do not go our way?

First, there is a significant difference between asking God, “Why?” and being angry with Him. Being angry at God is something that many people, both believers and unbelievers, have wrestled with throughout time. It is easy to “blame God” when things do not go our way or the way we think they should. This is because we live under the delusion that God should either prevent tragedies or protect us from harm. So, when terrible things do occur, we assume it is all God’s fault. 

Sadly, this way of thinking is akin to telling God that He has done something wrong, which He never does. Thus, such anger stems from one’s inability or unwillingness to trust in God even when we do not understand what God is doing. 

Secondly, when we ask God “Why?” we are really asking, “Why me?” Tragedies have a way of bringing home the fact that we are not in charge. Therefore, when good things happen, we are quick to attribute them to our own achievement and success, but when tragedies occur, we become frustrated by our lack of control and are quick to turn and blame God for not preventing them. 

This, then, is the sin of pride: trying to force our will over God’s. And although there might be occasions when we could become angry with God, at some point we must admit that we are not in control and that there are things we cannot understand or even comprehend with our finite minds. Therefore, asking God “Why?” is self-defeating and self-destructive spiritually. It gives the devil just the foothold he needs to step-up and destroy our faith and create a distance between us and God.

Fr. John

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