Τετάρτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

Today's Sermon in a Nutshell:

Today's Sermon in a Nutshell:

“See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.” (Ephesian 5:15)

The word circumspect comes from the Latin word circumspectus. Circum means “around,” as in circle or circumference, and spectus means “to look,” as in spectator. Therefore, to be circumspect means to look around, to watch where you are going, to be wary and careful of your movements, your surroundings, and how you live and behave. 

We live in difficult times and our fallen world is fraught with dangers, deceptions, and temptations. If we are not careful and cautious, we can easily stray from the narrow path and fall headlong into any number of diabolical traps.

Therefore, we must be wise and avoid perilous encounters, remaining vigilant lest we fall. Thus, St. Paul's admonishment is a warning to refrain from walking in darkness and a challenge to remain in the Light of Christ.

Fr. John

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