Τετάρτη 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

Hegumen N. “Don’t be afraid, little flock.” About spiritual warfare in the modern world.

If the demons are worried, this is a good sign.
"Drowsiness, gluttony, irritation, lustfulness, lustful thoughts and sensations - all these are the arrows of the enemy that need to be repelled and not feared; fight, not lose heart. Even ordinary patience, combined with a humble awareness of one’s weakness, can extinguish these “fiery arrows of the evil one” of the enemy. Calm down, be patient and dive to the bottom, i.e. just wait until the enemy gets tired of firing their guns. Here you don’t need anything special to win - just calmness, patience and prayer. And the fact that they are firing - well, that’s their job...

As for your feelings of clouding of mind and, at the same time, a flurry of thoughts during prayer, a feeling of alienation and external violence, as if the pressure of evil from within in the form of rudeness, insolence , gluttony and such physiological sensations as fever, headaches - these factors indicate that the demons living in you became more agitated, frightened and began to panic themselves: as if they would not be thrown out. This, in fact, is a gratifying phenomenon and indicates that with God’s help you will be able to drive out uninvited tenants from your house if you strive correctly and reveal all the tricks and blows of the enemy openly and without hesitation.

You need to fight such demonic influences with humility: firstly, before God (accept everything that happens as if from the hand of God), and, secondly, with humility before your neighbors, as well as prayer and reading (when possible) the psalms - the demons don’t like it.”

Hegumen N. “Don’t be afraid, little flock.” About spiritual warfare in the modern world.

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