Τετάρτη 24 Ιουλίου 2024

“Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” (Matt. 12:38)

“Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” (Matt. 12:38)

Our God is a “God of wonders” (Psalm 136:3-4) and, as Creator, also has the power to suspend the laws of nature to fulfill His purposes. Therefore, “signs” or miracles were a means to help identify Christ as the Messiah and to confirm His gospel message.

Sadly, despite all the miracles our Lord had already performed, the Pharisees kept pushing our Lord to give more and more signs because they did not believe the signs they saw. Inevitably, there comes a time when enough miracles have been performed – the truth has been proved – and it is simply time to exercise faith. This lack of trust/faith is what caused our Lord to call these unbelievers a “wicked and perverse generation.”

Fr. John

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