Δευτέρα 22 Ιουλίου 2024

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell: Humility

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell: Humility

Roman soldiers were certainly imposing figures who personified strength, fitness, and bravery. No one would expect such fierce warriors to be humble yet, the centurion in today’s gospel demonstrated great humility in his encounter with Christ.

First, by making the effort to seek out Jesus, second, by bowing down before Him; third by entreating His help; and lastly, by admitting that he was not worthy to have Jesus enter his home.   

The centurion recognized Jesus as being greater than himself, holding both authority and power. Therefore, humility is largely about acknowledging that God has power, and you don’t; that He is in charge, and you’re not. Earthly power, authority, and influence cannot compare to the spiritual power of the Divine. And faith is all about trusting in the power and authority of God. 

Fr. John

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