Δευτέρα 12 Αυγούστου 2024

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell:

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell: Belief vs. Faith

The fact that Christ restores the sight of two blind men is indeed an “eye-opening” event, yet we mustn’t be blinded to the real message to the story, which is the differences between belief and faith: “Do you believe I can do this?” and “Be it done according to your faith.”

Faith is far more reaching than simply believing Jesus existed/exists, it is trusting that our Lord is who the Bible, His Apostles, and the Church attest Him to be. 

For example, you can look at a chair and believe it is made of materials strong enough to support your weight, and that it was assembled correctly, but faith is trusting the chair, to actually sit down on it.

Belief can only prepare you to embark upon a spiritual path, while faith is what makes the journey happen.

Fr. John

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