CHRIST: DO NOT LET YOUR HEART BE TROUBED ... Sunrise over the Monastery
Talking with Elder Pavlos of Sinai (of blessed memory +March 1, 2020)
Q Gregory of Nyssa says that he who wishes to meet God must go with Moses into the dark cloud on Sinai 'where the understanding does not reach.' What then are we asking in the Jesus Prayer?
A When we say ‘Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me,’ we are saying, ‘have mercy on me as You know and wish.’ This is the meaning of prayer.
Q Last time you said that the Christian who actually lives in Christ never loses his hope … Daring to love, this person entrusts his will to God, Who infuses it with His own energies in a synergy of love.
A Without the grace of God, we cannot do anything.
What does Christ say? ‘Do not let your heart be troubled … In my father’s house there are many mansions … I will come again, and will take you to myself, that where I am, you also may be.’ ‘Life’ for us does not mean the physical functioning of our material body, but the life of our spiritual being, being with God in spirit. ‘Life’ means spiritual life.
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