Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2019


Christ is Risen!

One day, four clergymen were discussing the merits of the various translations of Holy Scripture. One liked the King James Version best because of its simple, yet beautiful English prose. Another liked the Revised Standard Version best because of its more modern language. The third priest liked the Jerusalem Bible even better because of its extensive annotations and explanations.

All the while the fourth priest remained silent and just nodded as each made their points. When the others pressed him for his opinion, he replied, "I like my mother's translation best."

Perplexed, the other clergy exclaimed, "Your mother translated the Bible?"

"Oh Yes, she certainly did," replied the priest. "My mother translated the Bible into her everyday life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw."

Thank God for countless mothers who throughout the ages have lived and proclaimed the Faith of Jesus Christ. For unlike the disciples who betrayed, denied, and abandoned their Master, the Myrrhbearing Women - and all women in general - have often been the most steadfast and committed members of Christ's Holy Church. And for this we should be thankful by honoring them and their memory. Amen!

Fr. John

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