Ομιλίες, Βυζαντινοί ύμνοι, Παρακλήσεις, Απολυτίκια, Βιβλία, Βίντεο, Λειτουργικές Κατηχήσεις, Φωτογραφίες, Αγιογραφίες....
Δευτέρα 31 Μαΐου 2021
Λέει κάποτε στο γεροντικό, ο διάβολος εμφανίστηκε σε έναν ηγούμενο και του λέει:
Αναφέρει Προσκυνητής....
Ώρα ἦν ὡς ἕκτη»(Πατερικές ερμηνείες). Πατήρ Άνθιμος.
Ιστορική φωτογραφία δύο συγχρόνων οσιακών μορφών.
Στον κόσμο οι Εκκλησίες γεμίζουν από ανθρώπους, οι οποίοι όμως δεν πιστεύουν στην καθημερινή τους ζωή.
ΟΣΙΟΣ ΙΑΚΩΒΟΣ. Γιατί δεν πήγαινε σε προσκυνήματα!!
31 Μαΐου 2015Ο Άγιος Γεράσιμος Φωκάς, ...
Γέροντας Εφραίμ Σκήτης Αγίου Ανδρέα.
Αυτοί θα μας δικάσουν στην άλλη ζωή!"
Ο πιστός έχει πάρα πολλά ευεργετικά
μέσα για θεραπεία , για παρηγοριά και
αγιασμό. Εξομολόγηση, Θεία κοινωνία, νερό Θεοφανίων, πρόσφορα, αντίδοτο, άρτο,
λείψανα αγίων, θαυματουργές εικόνες, ανάγνωση του Λόγου του Θεού, ένθερμη
προσευχή, έκκληση για βοήθεια των αγίων και του φύλακα αγγέλου, συχνή προφορά
του ονόματος του Ιησού, χρίσμα με ιερό λάδι, το σημάδι του σταυρού: όλα αυτά
για τον πιστό είναι μεγάλη βοήθεια στη θλίψη, στην απογοήτευση, στην αρρώστια,
στην επίθεση των πειρασμών, στους εχθρούς.
Λίγοι καταφεύγουν σε αυτές τις
θεραπείες για την πνευματική τους άνεση.
Μην εξοικονομήσετε χρήματα, αλλά
ελπίζουμε στον Θεό
Έζησε ένας καλός και γενναιόδωρος
κηπουρός που πίστευε στον Θεό. Τέτοιοι άνθρωποι καλούνται ευσεβείς. Γιατί για
αυτούς η καλή συμπεριφορά είναι μεγάλη και καλή τιμή. Αυτός ο κηπουρός ήταν
τόσο ευσεβής που έδινε ό, τι καλλιεργούσε στον κήπο του ως ελεημοσύνη, και
κράτησε πολύ λίγα για τον εαυτό του.
Ο Σατανάς όμως πλησίασε κρυφά τον κηπουρό και είπε:
- Εξοικονομήστε χρήματα για τις
ανάγκες σας, διαφορετικά θα έχετε πρόβλημα στο σπίτι.. Κοιτάξτε, θα γερνάτε ή
θα αρρωστήσετε και μετά τι; Μετά από όλα, θα χαθείτε!
Ο κηπουρός δεν γνώριζε, φυσικά, ότι ο
Σατανάς ήταν που του το ψιθύρισε,
αποφάσισε ότι το είχε σκεφτεί ο ίδιος αυτήν την ιδέα. Και αυτή η άχρηστη σκέψη,
παρεμπιπτόντως, μπήκε στην καρδιά του και κολλήθηκε εκεί σαν ένα μυτερό βέλος.
Το ερώτημα είναι, πώς συνέβη αυτό;
Γιατί οι άγγελοι και ο Θεός δεν προστάτεψαν τον καλό κηπουρό από τα κόλπα του διαβόλου;
Η εξήγηση είναι απλή: Ο ίδιος ο Θεός
ήθελε να δοκιμάσει την πίστη του κηπουρού και, τελικά, να την κάνει ακόμα πιο δυνατή.
Και πώς, τώρα θα δείτε.
Τότε συνέβη το εξής: ο κηπουρός, αφού
υπάκουσε στις δελεαστικές ομιλίες του διαβόλου, άρχισε να εξοικονομεί χρήματα
και να συσσωρεύει ένα ολόκληρο πήλινο δοχείο με δαχτυλίδια. Μετά από ένα χρόνο, το πόδι του άρχισε να πονάει. Έπρεπε να
ξοδέψει τα συσσωρευμένα χρήματα σε γιατρούς.
Πέρασε από πολλούς ιατρούς αλλά τίποτα
δεν βοήθησε, οι γιατροί δεν μπόρεσαν να θεραπεύσουν το πόδι του. Τελικά, ένας
πολύ έμπειρος γιατρός ήρθε σε αυτόν και είπε:
- Εάν δεν κόψετε το πόδι σας μέχρι το γόνατο, τότε μπορεί να πεθάνετε.
Ο κηπουρός φοβήθηκε και έπρεπε να
συμφωνήσει. Τότε ο γιατρός είπε ότι θα έρθει να κάνει την επέμβαση σε τρεις
ημέρες. Το βράδυ, ο κηπουρός ήρθε στα αισθήματά του και άρχισε να κλαίει,
- Θυμηθείτε, Κύριε, τις ελεημοσύνες
που έδωσα όταν δούλευα στον κήπο μου και χρησιμοποίησα τα χρήματα που κέρδισα για
να υπηρετήσω τους άρρωστους.
Μόλις το είπε αυτό, τα φτερά Άγγελος
του Κυρίου εμφανίστηκε σε αυτόν και φώναξε:
- Πες μου, δεν έχεις εξοικονομήσει
χρήματα για τον εαυτό σου τελευταία; Ω, ξέρω ότι σταμάτησες να βασίζεσαι στη
βοήθεια του Θεού και άρχισες να ελπίζεις στο ασήμι. Και πού είναι τώρα; Πέταξε μακριά,
διάσπαρτα σαν φύλλα στον άνεμο, σαν σκόνη δρόμου. Σύντομα ο γιατρός θα έρθει
και θα κόψει το πόδι σου, και θα είσαι ανάπηρος για το υπόλοιπο της ζωής σου.
Τότε ο κηπουρός παρακάλεσε:
- Αγαπητέ Άγγελο! Ενώ έκλαιγε . Ρωτήστε τον δίκαιο Θεό, ας μην θυμηθεί την παρούσα αμαρτία
μου, αλλά να θυμηθεί την προηγούμενη
καλοσύνη μου. Σε τελική ανάλυση, εάν γίνω ανάπηρος, δεν θα μπορώ πλέον να
καλλιεργώ φρούτα και λαχανικά και να βοηθάω αυτούς που έχουν ανάγκη.
- Λοιπόν, υπόσχεσαι να βελτιωθείς;
- Ναι, ναι, υπόσχομαι και δεν θα
εξοικονομήσω χρήματα ξανά!
«Λοιπόν λοιπόν», είπε ο Άγγελος. - Θα
προσπαθήσω να κάνω ό, τι μπορώ για εσάς.
Και πέταξε. Και ο κηπουρός πέρασε τον
υπόλοιπο χρόνο του στην προσευχή και ζήτησε από τον Θεό έλεος και να του συγχωρήσει την αμαρτία της
Την καθορισμένη ημέρα, ο γιατρός ήρθε
με τα όργανα ακρωτηριασμού, αλλά δεν βρήκε τον κηπουρό στο σπίτι. Όταν ρωτήθηκε
πού ήταν ο ασθενής, του απαντήθηκε:
- Το πρωί πήγα να δουλέψω στον κήπο.
Ο έκπληκτος γιατρός πήγε εκεί και
είδε έναν απόλυτα υγιή κηπουρό που σκάβει με χαρά το έδαφος. Τότε ο γιατρός δόξασε
τον Θεό. Κατάλαβε ότι ο Θεός έδωσε τη θεραπεία από μια ασθένεια που δεν μπορεί
να θεραπευτεί με κανένα ανθρώπινο μέσο.
Saint Syncletike.............
Do not accept
any evil words, but keep your soul clean and uncorrupt. Because if you accept
the dirty words of someone who speaks against his neighbor, then your prayer
will be affected by thoughts and will hate unjustifiably those who you
socialize with. So we need to be careful about what we say and what we allow
others to say to us. Therefore, not only we do not say something bad against
others, but also do not tolerate even to listen to something like that.
Saint Paisios speaks the language of the Pentecost
It is well
known that Saint Paisios the Hagiorite, besides Greek, did not know another
language. But as it happened multiple times – when there was a reason –
conversed wonderfully in the language of the Pentecost with non-Greek speaking
individuals. “I was present once,” Mr. I.E.K states, “in the small hut of the
Saint at Mount Athos with three other visitors, and a Frenchman who did not
speak Greek. When his turn came to speak to the Saint, they moved further away
and for fifteen minutes they conversed sitting on some wooden logs. We saw them
that they were discussing with great interest. How did they communicate, since
there was no common language of communication? The Frenchman left very happy.
His satisfaction was clearly evident in his face.”
From the
book: The Life of Saint Paisios the Hagiorite by monk Isaak
Saint Paisios Intervention in Traffic Accidents
One day, a
man from Kalamata who lived in Athens was driving to Ioannina, when he was
involved in a serious head on collision. His car was literally smashed to
pieces, and he suffered a serious head injury. He was taken, unconscious, to
the hospital and placed in intensive care. While he was in this condition, he
saw an elderly monk in the midst of a bright cloud. The man didn’t have any
particular relationship to the Church, but a few days before an acquaintance
had told him about a grace-bearing monk named Elder Paisios. So, in his
surprise, he impulsively addressed the unknown monk, “Are you Elder Paisios?” The elder didn’t
answer him. He smiled, gently caressed his head, and said, “Don’t be afraid,
you’ll be fine!
The man
regained consciousness. Though he was con-fused by the strangeness of what had
occurred, and although he didn’t know the identity of his miraculous visitor,
he believed his reassuring words. The man described with unmistakable
conviction what he had experienced to his doctors― who, surprised by the
humanly inexplicable improvement in his condition, confessed that they had
witnessed a true miracle.
After he was
discharged, he looked in the window of a bookstore he was passing, and he was
surprised to see a picture of the monk who had saved him on the front cover of
a book. He had discovered the identity of his benefactor, and, being full of
gratitude , he bought the book and read it.
Moved by what
he read, in January of 1998 he made a pilgrimage to Panagouda, and this is when
he offered his account. The elder’s intervention, in addition to saving him
from certain physical death, radically changed his life. He sought out a
spiritual father and went to confession, abandoning the worldly life despite intense
opposition from his relatives.
“I can’t keep
doing the same things,’ he said, with tears in his eyes. “The elder’s bright,
smiling face is always coming to my
The Holy
Monastery Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian
The eternal life
Do not forget your goal, my child. Look into
heaven and see the beauty that awaits us. What are the present, earthly things?
Aren’t they but ashes and dust and a dream? Don’t we see that everything here
is subject to decay? Whereas things above are everlasting, the kingdom of God
is endless, and blessed is he who will dwell in it, for he will behold the
glory of His divine face!
My child, do
not forget that we are in this world only temporarily and that our life dangles
by a thread and that all the desirable things in the world are vain. So,
whoever despises the vain things of the world—in other words, does not
passionately desire them—will participate in the eternal good things.
So, when we
have this knowledge of the truth, naturally we shall turn the eyes of our soul
at every moment towards the eternal life, towards the heavenly Jerusalem, where
the choirs of angels chant godly canticles of ineffable sweetness and wisdom.
Oh, my children, how much glory your souls will have when after death they
ascend to the heavens and are numbered with the angels in heaven!
Let us
glorify the risen Lord, Who counted us worthy to celebrate His holy
Resurrection. Let us pray that He will also count us worthy to celebrate the
eternal Sabbath in the heavens, in the new Jerusalem, in the eternal joy. “And
no one will take this joy away from you (Jn. 16:22).” Indeed, my child, for
earthly joy is followed by sorrows which can annihilate it, whereas heavenly
joy is not, because it flows continuously as if from an inexhaustible and
life-giving spring.
Let us compel
ourselves in our Christian duties in order to be able to celebrate the eternal
Pascha* close to our Christ and see Him face to face for our blessed enjoyment,
without it being interrupted anymore by trials and despair.
literally means “passover.” It is the celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection,
known in Western Christianity as Easter.
Selected from the Letters and Homilies of Elder Ephraim of Arizona
It is in a prison
from God
When someone
receives inside something from God, then the heart feels happy. When on the
contrary receives something from the enemy, then the heart feels confused and
Seraphim of Sarov
It is in a prison
The person
that we give our heart, can harm us or abandon us. The evil spirits send us
continuously terrible thoughts to our loving intentions and torture us. God’s
love though is without ends and includes everything, however, we are hooked on
people and material things. Our heart is imprisoned by the things of this
world, and when they are taken from us, we are unhappy and we suffer.
Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica
Prayer and works of love.
We should
pray for ourselves out of inner need, while we should pray for others out of
genuine love. The greatest charity that we can offer to a person is to pray for
them. Of course, when we can also help them in practice, we should do it,
because otherwise, our prayer will become dry and useless. Therefore, our
prayer should be accompanied by works of love when we are capable of doing so.
From the Sayings of Preacher Dimitrios
ΕΙΠΕ ΓΕΡΩΝ...............
Δύο άτομα κοίταξαν ένα παράθυρο. Ένα
είδε βροχή και λάσπη.
Άλλο - πράσινο φύλλωμα, άνοιξη και
μπλε ουρανός.
Δύο άτομα κοίταξαν μέσα από ένα
παράθυρο ...
Οι προτροπές πολλών φίλων και γνωστών
μου οι οποίοι γνωρίζουν τον βίο και πολιτεία μου στην Ελβετία με οδήγησαν στην
απόφαση να καταγράψω τις εμπειρίες της μακράς διακονίας μου στην περιοχή της
γερμανόφωνης Ελβετίας, με μοναδικό σκοπό να μείνει κάτι γραπτό για τις επόμενες
γενεές εις τρόπον ώστε να γνωρίσουν πώς ξεκίνησε και πώς έφθασε η εκκλησία μας
στη σημερινή μορφή της.
Στην Ελβετία, και γενικώς στην
Ευρώπη, η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία ξεκίνησε από μηδενική βάση. Σήμερα σε όλες σχεδόν
τις μεγάλες πόλεις της Ευρώπης υπάρχουν και λειτουργούν περικαλλείς ιεροί ναοί,
που στεγάζουν και θερμαίνουν χιλιάδες ψυχές και στέκονται μάρτυρες της αγίας
ορθοδόξου πίστης μας. Όλοι αυτοί οι ναοί είναι καρπός αγώνων και μεγάλων θυσιών
τόσο των πνευματικών Πατέρων όσο και του πιστού λαού του Θεού, που αντάμα
συνεργάστηκαν και κατάφεραν να φθάσουν στο σημείο, όχι μόνο να υπάρχουν, αλλά
και να συνυπάρχουν με τις τοπικές ετερόδοξες χριστιανικές εκκλησίες.
Είναι γνωστό ότι χριστιανική εκκλησία
δεν είναι το κτίσμα αλλά ο λαός του Θεού. Αυτός ο λαός στην πόλη και περιοχή
της Ζυρίχης σαράντα ολόκληρα χρόνια ήταν άστεγος και ζητιάνος, που παρακαλούσε
εδώ και εκεί να του δοθεί ένα χώρος για να τελέσει τη Θεία Λειτουργία και τα
ιερά μυστήρια. Κάποτε έπρεπε να αποκτήσει τον δικό του χώρο. Για να γίνει όμως
αυτό το κατόρθωμα, χρειάστηκε χρόνος, χρήματα και πολλές θυσίες από πολλούς.
Καθήκον και υποχρέωση ήταν του ιερέα, ο οποίος θα έπρεπε να πλησιάσει και να
εμπνεύσει πολλούς ευσεβείς χριστιανούς, να σταθούν δίπλα του και όλοι μαζί να
πραγματώσουν τον μεγάλο αυτό σκοπό.
Σε αυτό το βιβλίο θα καταγραφούν όλες
οι προσπάθειες, οι δυσκολίες, οι ταπεινώσεις, οι απογοητεύσεις, αλλά και οι
χαρές που ζήσαμε αρκετοί πολύτιμοι συνεργάτες μέχρι που καταφέραμε να
οργανώσουμε μια άριστα οργανωμένη ενορία, η οποία αποτελεί τιμή μεγάλη για τους
ομογενείς. (Από την
παρουσίαση στο οπισθόφυλλο του βιβλίου)
Μορφές του Χοζεβά..
…. Παραδίδουμε το νέο πόνημα της
Μονής μας “Μορφές του Χοζεβά” στους αναγνώστες κάθε ηλικίας, αλλά κυρίως στους
νέους, , διότι μέσα στις σελίδες του θα “συναντήσουν” ανθρώπους νέους, αγωνιστές, δυναμικούς κι
αισιόδοξους. Ανθρώπους, οι οποίοι από νεαράς ηλικίας έκαναν την υπέρβαση κι
αφιέρωσαν τη ζωή και τα νιάτα τους στον Χριστό! Και τελικώς έμειναν για πάντα
νέοι κι άφθοροι μέσα στη δόξα της αιωνίου τρυφής του Παραδείσου! Θα δουν και θα
μάθουν, οι αναγνώστες μας, ότι στην Έρημο της Ιουδαίας έζησαν και πάλεψαν,
γέλασαν και έκλαψαν, πόνεσαν μα κυρίως εγλυκάνθησαν υπό της Θείας Παρηγορίας,
Πατέρες Χοζεβίτες σύγχρονοί μας, τόσο
πλησίον χρονικώς σ’εμάς…
Ο Καθηγούμενος της Ιεράς Μονής Χοζεβά
Αρχιμανδρίτης Κωνσταντίνος
Little known
reminiscences about St. Gabriel (Urgebadze)
Love for St.
Gabriel, the miracles that are worked not only at his holy relics but also
before his numerous icons… We wouldn’t be lying if we say that with every
passing day this love grows and gains power, like a snowball. The power of
prayer and love! It is a miracle, a true miracle that is occurring before our
very eyes. Otherwise how could we explain the fact that Elder Gabriel has
become a solid uniting link for our Orthodox nations [Georgia and
Russia.—Trans.] in this era of division?
We offer our
readers a selection of little known reminiscences and testimonies about St.
Gabriel, which will help everybody discover the essence of the elder’s podvigs
that are pouring out from his love-filled heart.
Gabriel and Otar Nikolaishvili
Elder Gabriel
and Otar Nikolaishvili
Nikolaishvili, Elder Gabriel’s spiritual son, recalls:
Obsessed with
worldly passions, I was searching for my sweetheart who was hiding at Samtavro
Convent. I was so enraged that I was ready to take any rash action or even
commit a crime (may God forgive me!). How could I have heeded anybody’s
advice?! And it was in that state that I met Fr. Gabriel. He introduced himself
as “a sinful monk” who was “hungry, humiliated and abandoned by everybody.” His
words were confirmed by his untidy, sloppy appearance. On hearing the reason
for my arrival at the convent, he said:
“It appears
God loves you so much that He has deigned to bring you to me: I will help you
solve your problems, don’t worry! I, Monk Gabriel, am good at sorting out such
things. Trust me, I guarantee your sweetheart’s return. There are already more
than enough nuns with the gift of prayer at the convent. It will all come right
soon. And now let’s go to my cell and have a frugal meal, if you don’t mind
sharing bread with such a sinner as me!”
Giving thanks
to God in my mind, I thought: “Truly God loves me very much because He has
acquainted me with this sinful and slightly crazy monk, who will soon solve all
my problems without further ado.” I couldn’t have imagined that soon I was
destined to fall under the influence of that “crazy monk”, and to such a degree
that I would resolve to say goodbye to both my former sweetheart and my
numerous sins!
Some time
passed, and I understood that Fr. Gabriel was a very rare embodiment of a true
spiritual father! But you needed to live side-by-side with him for months in
order to understand how far his outward actions were from his inner spiritual
world: they were as far apart as heaven from earth, and step by step they made
you change your opinion of the elder. It was the case with me; after a time I
changed my opinion of him. First I pitied him as a poor and feeble-minded monk,
then I rejoiced, seeing his sympathy and understanding. Some time later I
marveled at how that sinful old man could know almost the entire Old and New
Testaments by heart. Being convinced that someone would go mad from too much
knowledge, I showed more sympathy for the elder. Soon I noticed with surprise
that he answered the questions that worried and interested me, though I didn’t
ask them. He was able to read my thoughts! That puzzled and scared me to some
degree—what sort of power was standing in front of me? And it was not until
later that I realized that it was the power everybody bows down before, the
power that can tame not only a sinner but even the wildest lion—the power of
prayer and love.
The Lord
bestowed the greatest wisdom and power on Elder Gabriel, but he skillfully
concealed his gift, though I couldn’t understand why. The elder hid his
extraordinary gift under the veil of feigned insanity in such a masterly
fashion that it would be useless for me to prove his wisdom and gift of
prophecy: no one would have believed me! As for me, I was many times convinced
that I was dealing with a great priest who contained an ocean of love, wisdom
and humility. I was ready to do whatever he would bless me to, obediently. For
me, being with him was the most important thing. Once at a market he told me to
bend my knees and put my head to a trashcan filled with watermelon rind and not
to rise until he blessed me to. I saw the feet of the passers-by who had
stopped beside me: perhaps they were curious to know what a madman was standing
on his knees beside garbage.
One day in
Tbilisi, Fr. Gabriel came out onto the street. Sitting down on a chair in the
middle of the street, he started preaching love and speaking to passers-by. The
traffic was usually continuous on that road, but as long as Elder Gabriel was
there no car passed by; once he stood up, the traffic resumed.
It is a
well-known fact that in 1965 Fr. Gabriel set fire to Lenin’s portrait during an
International Workers’ Day demonstration before the eyes of thousands of
spectators. Though he was thirty-six, he looked like an old man. After that
unprecedented act he suffered a lot of privation, hardships, and tortures, and
even some Church hierarchs dissociated themselves from him. But the ascetic
never judged anybody. At night he would climb up St. David Hill, where at the
church he would sometimes secretly receive Communion towards the morning.
Nikolaishvili, Elder Gabriel’s spiritual son, recalls:
St. Gabriel
would often relate that for several years he was persecuted in every possible
way, “for the truth and love for the Lord”, and denied Communion. “I would
often walk to Russia to receive Communion,” Elder Gabriel recalled. It is hard to
imagine how many miles he had to walk and what a difficult path he had to cross
before reaching Russia! And how many trials and temptations he had to endure is
known to God alone!
By the grace
and intercessions of the Holy Theotokos, the elder was allowed to receive
Communion. According to the reminiscences of Archpriest Archil Mindiashvili,
St. Gabriel’s spiritual son, before the beginning of the service at the
Svetitskhovloba1 festival, the Mother of God appeared to Patriarch Ephraim II
of Georgia (1960—1972) and said: “I will not accept your sacrifice and will
accept it only from Gabriel.”
The elder
himself later related:
“On that day
I was staying at the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. At dawn I felt that an invisible
force was leading me into the altar. Patriarch Ephraim with the clergy were
about to begin the festal service there. Suddenly the Lord and the Holy
Theotokos appeared, stopped the Patriarch and said to him, ‘We will not accept
your sacrifice without Gabriel!’ When I opened my eyes, I felt that Christ and
the Queen of Heaven had consoled me! I felt certain that I would be admitted to
Holy Communion.
“After a
while the Patriarch sent the priests to invite me into the altar. He asked if I
was ready to take Communion and I replied that I was. Then the Patriarch
blessed the clergy to vest me so that I could concelebrate with him.”
This is how
it was. On that day Patriarch Ephraim and Monk Gabriel served together. At the
sight of Elder Gabriel the whole congregation wept with joy. All the
worshippers rejoiced.
It can be
said that Elder Gabriel gave practical lessons of humility, obedience and love.
He would often say that love is not only an inborn talent—we can learn love and
must long for it. The saint had an original approach to those wishing to become
nuns, being deliberately stern with some and heaping praise on others. The way
he treated people was individual and changeable. You could easily approach him,
ask for his blessing and support, and there were no instances when someone was
left without his attention and consolation.
Abbess Maria
(Mikeladze) recalls:
Due to my
sinfulness I had mixed feelings about Fr. Gabriel: Sometimes I was indifferent,
sometimes I judged him, listening to others’ opinions. And though I didn’t show
due reverence towards him, I did feel his strong affection for me all the time.
It was always easy to turn to him and ask his forgiveness, and he would forgive
everybody even when no one asked him to. Fr. Gabriel alone could understand and
comfort me in the toughest moments: filled with sacrificial love, he was never
indifferent. The most remarkable thing the elder did to me was to destroy my
book knowledge and clichés and stereotypes about monastic life, based on
ossified theories that created “spiritual comfort” for me—something that
flattered me. And the elder gradually destroyed all of this. Sometimes the
elder’s actions made me extremely indignant and furious. He would interfere in
my plans. For example, when I was going to pray in seclusion, he could burst
into my cell and demand loudly: “Mother, go and make soup quickly because some
intellectuals have arrived at the convent!”
Once he
snatched a prayer-book out of my hands. Then I resisted and even condemned him
for that. It was not until later that it came home to me why he would keep
saying, “Why are you bothering the Lord?” At that time my prayers and deeds
were cold and formal, they lacked the sincerity that leads to salvation. And
Fr. Gabriel struggled for the salvation of every soul.
My parents
were against my life at the convent. My father would come to the convent most
days, trying to persuade me to change my mind, but I with the help of God stuck
to my guns. So my relationship with dad was very strained. One day I was told,
as usual, that my father was waiting for me in the church. I entered the church
and, to my amazement, saw Fr. Gabriel standing in an artistic and expressive
manner and my father kneeling before him. Then Fr. Gabriel asked my father to
invite him to a restaurant. The latter gladly agreed, and both walked past me
without paying attention to me. At the restaurant, Fr. Gabriel sang the song,
“Kakhetian Wine”, to my father and won his heart forever. They made friends
with each other, and I didn’t have to worry anymore. And I and my father had no
further conflicts.
Every minute
of Fr. Gabriel’s life was filled with self-sacrifice and God. He still helps us
today by his invisible presence among us.
The elder’s
presence in the lives of those in need spreads even far beyond Georgia. There
are no space and time limits in Orthodoxy, and I, an ordinary Georgian, am
overcome with joy when I see St. Gabriel’s universal veneration in Russia.
“I’ll come to you when you aren’t waiting for me…” This is Fr. Gabriel’s
confirmation of his words is the memories of our spiritual brother Sergei from
Belarus who has shared his story with great joy:
Clouded by
sins, I abandoned God more than once! But the Lord never abandoned me! There
was a period in my life when I focused only on earthly things. Lost and worn
out by spiritual confusion, by a miracle I came to church where I was welcomed
by an image of a smiling saint who seemed to be standing in front of me and
staring into my soul. As you may have guessed, it was Elder Gabriel. From that
day on we have been friends; I acquired his icon and often prayed to him at
home. At that period I was on my own, almost everyone had turned away from me.
Thus, I had to spend my birthday all alone and nobody remembered me. I felt
absolutely forsaken and depressed.
In that state
I fell into a doze and saw Fr. Gabriel in a dream. He entered my room,
repeating: “Well, Sergei, did you think I’d abandon you and wouldn’t come to
you?!” Dumbfounded, I bent over before Elder Gabriel and asked for his
blessing. While he was blessing me, he repeated: “You thought I wouldn’t come
to you? I’ll come to you, Sergei, very soon! I’ll come to you!”
And he left.
Opening my eyes, I felt love, sorrow, great joy and consolation… I was happy
that Elder Gabriel had visited me, and his words, “I’ll come to you very soon”,
were with me all the time.
The next day
my relatives, a couple, came to my place to greet me on my birthday. When they
presented me with a gift in a black bag, I involuntarily said (as if some force
prompted me to): “I know what’s in the bag! I know what a gift it is!” And they
asked, as if teasing me: “Well, what’s there?!” I exclaimed: “I know, there’s
something related to Fr. Gabriel (Urgebadze) there!”
Stunned and
frightened, they exchanged glances and offered me the bag. What I found inside
was a copy of the book, “The Elder’s Diadem”, dedicated to St. Gabriel!
Thus Fr.
Gabriel visited me! His prayers, grace and spontaneity saved me and set me on
the path of truth. I believe that Fr. Gabriel’s love, by the grace of God, will
pull many out of the whirlpool of sin onto the shore of salvation.