Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2022


"If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31)

-  St. John Climacus (of the Ladder) is one of the most renowned Sinai Saints, an ascetic, an author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent and a Sinai Monastery Abbot later in life.

St. John Climacus had a disciple, Monk Moses. One day St. John sent his disciple to spread soil on the garden beds. As he was fulfilling his obedience, Monk Moses became weary from the fierce summer heat and reclined under the shade of a large cliff.

St. John was in his cell at that moment, resting a bit after his labor of prayer. Suddenly a man of venerable countenance appeared and woke the ascetic, reproofing him: "John, why are you resting peacefully here while Moses is in danger?" St. John immediately arose and began praying for his disciple.

When Moses returned that evening, the saint asked him if anything had happened to him that day. The monk answered, "No, but I was in serious danger. A large rock broke off from a cliff under which I had fallen asleep at midday and nearly crushed me. Fortunately I was having a dream in which you were calling me, and I jumped up and ran; at that moment a huge rock fell with a crash upon that very place where I was…"

St. John did not reveal anything to him about the vision but, being of humble mind, glorified God quietly for miraculously saving his disciple from death.

From the Life of Saint John Climacus, composed by monk Daniel of Raithou

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