Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2019

A wonderful sign before the end

A wonderful sign before the end

I decided to share this brief real story, because in these days such incidents are rare. If you can read between the lines, as they say, he will find here great hope. And everyone needs hope today.

My mother was sitting on a bench in central Sofia garden one day and she was reading something. She had some time, after finishing her errands and decided to rest for fifteen minutes. A woman, an acquaintance, came and sat on the other bench next to hers. My mother greeted her and continued to read. She is always reading something, always sinking in the written. The woman, who was a little younger than my mother, which means she might be about sixty, suddenly interrupted her:
"Maria, forgive me, but I want to share something with you."
My mother looked at her curiously.
"Do you know," the woman stuttered uneasily "that I love all people. I'm not angry with anyone. Nobody offends me. And I forgive everyone."
These words surprised my mother. She put her book down and looked her in the eye.
"Well that's wonderful," she said slowly. "I'm happy for you."

That same day my mother, to her surprise, learned that the woman in the garden, just an hour after she had separated from her, had a stroke and fell on the sidewalk and died.

The next morning my mother shared what had happened to her priest:
"Thank goodness, she is with Christ," replied the father and crossed himself. "She was about to die soon and she forgave the world. We should be happy for her."

What an example of love this is. God's love for this woman, but also her love for people. At some point in time it is over for everyone and .... Judgement day comes. Let us be humble and know, that there at the terrible threshold, we must have love in our hearts. Love, love and love again in order for Christ to pardon us. Otherwise there may be endless darkness.

by Martin Ralchevski

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