Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Archpriest Theodore Gignadze/When a human being living before God passively waits for God’s mercy through the means of moral perfection and the minimization of the struggle…


When a human being living before God passively waits for God’s mercy through the means of moral perfection and the minimization of the struggle… In other words, when a person has a psychosomatic moral disposition, this is purely the spirit of Protestantism – when the toil is minimized, or it does not exist at all.

This kind of person is confused by hesychasm, he cannot understand it, because hesychasm means being very active, it requires a very active struggle.

But, why is this required? What does God need this for?

Another mistake here is misunderstanding the Gospel.

God does not need anything, but did we forget the words from the Gospel?

– “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” (Matthew 11:12)

It’s not obvious from these words that it is referring to the toil, to the struggle of a human being with himself and to the necessity of forcing oneself.

However, what does it mean to take something by force?

Does it mean to just go and pick something up? Does it mean to be passive?

What does it mean that the owner of two talents has to gain

two more, and that the owner of five talents has to gain five more?

How will God judge the one who does not multiply the talents?

Truly, seeking God requires great energy, because we are coworkers of God.

This is a synergistic reality of seeking God and having a relationship with Him.

We must do our part ourselves and we must put in a very large amount of hard work.

Even in this world, nothing can be achieved without hard work and especially difficult is the spiritual labor, because the fallen nature and the demonic world fight most fiercely against a person’s choice to be with God when he is actively searching for Him.

A person literally goes through hell at the time, when he sees an absolute inability, on his part, to be with God.

Therefore, the hesychasm is martyrdom extended in time.

Archpriest Theodore Gignadze

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