Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 8 Ιουλίου 2024

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell: Abandoning our Nets.

Today’s Sermon in a Nutshell: Abandoning our Nets.

When Jesus called Simon and Andrew, then James and John, to follow Him, these fishermen immediately forsook everything and abandoned their nets. This was quite a pivotal moment, one that speaks volumes; for it symbolized a drastic departure from their previous lives and the absolute confidence and trust they placed in our Lord.

In fact, the nets themselves serve as a type of metaphor, for just as nets catch fish, they also trap unwanted items and debris. Thus, our own lives collect elements which, might seem beneficial, yet may hold us back or inhibit our relationship with Christ. Therefore, we must discern what to leave behind to enhance a more authentic spiritual journey, even if it means abandoning that which is familiar, comfortable, or safe.

Fr. John

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