Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 7 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Question from a friend of the Monastery*:

"That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life ..."

Question from a friend of the Monastery*: 

- How to make big life decisions if one does not have access to a great spiritual elder?

Response from a nun who was a disciple of Geronta Pavlos: 

-  Of course the Mother of God is quick to hear, as are the Saints we read about and love. Remembering that Saint Seraphim of Sarov told his spiritual children to come to his grave and tell him their problems, one can ask for his help with finding a spiritual father, or any other difficulty. Seeking intervention by the Saints, of course one lives as close to the life of the Church and commandments as he can.

More than locating a great elder, however, one mainly needs a confessor he trusts. The confessor is enlightened by God through the humility, sincerity, and trust of the person seeking guidance. "Freedom is never lost," however, as Geronta Pavlos would say, and one is not obligated to continue a relationship where he cannot hear the counsel of Christ despite his best efforts. A relationship is a living thing, and our trust will often draw us to the right confessor for our needs simply by having prayed with him during the mystery of the Divine Liturgy.

One also prays from the bottom of his heart to Christ and His Most Holy Mother for enlightenment to know His will and to fulfill it, saying “Your will be done,” until he means it. Reading the Paraclesis to the Theotokos is always effective. One reads the New Testament every day, and the Psalms, in which the divine grace is very powerful.

When a spiritual father is not available, one can also listen for direction from Christ in the voice of those around him, even the beggar on the streets.. Father Pavlos emphasized that Christ helps us through other people.

* From http://www.mountsinaimonastery.org/q-a

Truly Geronta Pavlos of Sinai (+ March 1st, 2020) belonged - and belongs - to the world; to those who met him in person, and much more, to those who live by his Spirit-filled teachings, increasing his joy in heaven… . In the US alone he was treasured indiscriminately by Greek, Russian, Romanian, and Palestinian Orthodox Christians, as indeed by those of no Orthodox background whatsoever who were visibly captivated by his spirited university presentations. (You can find videos and many posts with words of wisdom from the beloved Elder Pavlos)

Below: A photo of his resting place in Athens, Greece; a six month (Sept 1) Memorial for him in Romania, as well as a photo of Geronta Pavlos taken during a liturgy in San Jose in the US during one of his visits from Sinai.

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