Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2022

A Pascha Miracle.

A Pascha Miracle

I grew up in a large clergy family. My father served in the Kazan Icon Church of the Mother of God in the village of Neronovka, in the Samara region. I had 10 brothers and we all helped our parents in church: the boys served at the altar and the girls sang in the choir under the guidance of their mother.

Since early childhood, Easter for each of us has been inextricably linked to a miracle. What was it worth the distribution of Easter sweets to the parishioners, which we prepared with my mother throughout the Holy Week! Or - a heart that sinks during the night service, when the choir, and behind it the whole church, sing "Christ is risen from the dead ...", at first quietly, and then louder and louder. This feeling of Easter joy was raised by our mom and dad.

Once, at Easter, an incident happened that made such an indelible impression on me, even as a child, that I will remember it for the rest of my life. After the Easter service, my brothers and I, already tired and half asleep, went home. It had just begun to dawn outside and it was very cold. I wanted to get home as soon as possible and start the long-awaited festive meal. But it is completely incomprehensible why, we could not open the front door. No matter how hard we tried, the lock did not turn! We had to wait until Dad finished the consecration of the Pascha sweets in the church and help us.

But neither did Dad could open the door. After many unsuccessful attempts, it became clear that the door would have to be broken. And then Dad read a prayer, went through the lock, turned the key ... and the door opened!

This Pascha morning, I realized the power of prayer, the sign of the cross and, most importantly, faith that can turn any problem into a miracle.

Olga Emelianenko, priest wife, mother of many children, Lomonosov

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