As millions of Orthodox Christians around the world
prepare to celebrate Easter on Sunday and Jesus Christ's resurrection,
thousands across the Chicago area are flocking to a suburban parish to see what
they believe to be a different miracle.
Since July, tiny droplets of fragrant oil have
trickled down an icon of St. John the Baptist in front of the altar at
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Homer Glen, a village southwest of Chicago.
Parishioners believe that the oil has healing properties and that its origins
are a blessing from God.
"The first thing out of my mouth was, 'What do I
do?'" said the Rev. Sotirios "Sam" Dimitriou, the parish priest.
"You don't expect anything like this. It's breathtaking. It's so powerful
to see such an act of God before your eyes."
Whether it's an act of God or a chemical reaction, few
in the Greek Orthodox community care. A rational explanation is irrelevant if
what seems to be a supernatural event draws people toward God, clergy say.
"We don't necessarily make official
pronouncements on these things," said Bishop Demetrios, auxiliary bishop
of Mokissos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago. "We let the
faithful believe it if they wish.... If it brings you closer to God, that's
wonderful. If it doesn't, it doesn't."
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The oil, which parishioners believe to be myrrh,
exudes from the icon's halo, wings, hands and beard and is collected by a
reservoir of cotton at the icon's base. Dimitriou regularly extracts the oil into
a pitcher, then saturates cotton balls, which he seals in plastic bags for
parishioners to take home and share with their loved ones. So far, he has
handed out more than 5,000 samples — a handy way to track the flow of pilgrims.
But he has been reluctant to broadcast its origins.
Instead, news of the icon has spread by word of mouth.
Reports of the oil's healing effects have made their
way to Dimitriou. One man reportedly went to the doctor concerning a blockage
in his artery, but it had disappeared. Another reported being cancer-free after
touching the oil.
The painter of the icon, Peter Mihalopoulos, said he
believed the oil was why he was painting in his garage two days after a hip
And Dimitriou, who before the oil began to flow frequently
passed out at the altar or in his office because of nerve damage, said he has
not been hospitalized for his condition since September. He stopped taking his
medication in January.
This is not the first time unexplained streaks of
moisture have been spotted on an icon in the Chicago area.
An icon of Mary that appeared to be weeping has drawn
huge crowds to St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church several times since it
began to emit moisture in December 1986. In 1994, parishioners at St. George
Antiochian Orthodox Church in Cicero said they witnessed tears streaming from
the eyes of Mary in an icon of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus.
Dimitriou said the oil on St. John the Baptist, unlike
the weeping icons, appears to come from everywhere but his eyes. He has been
told that means the icon offers a sign of joy, not sadness.
The fact that it's an icon of St. John the Baptist
also sets it apart. John Price, a 20-year-old altar server, noticed the
droplets of oil on the icon as he held a flickering candle during a Sunday
service in July.
Sitting in the front chair that morning, his mother,
Miki, noticed her son transfixed. When he told her later what he had witnessed,
she immediately went back to the church to see for herself.
"That's my son's saint, and my son wants to be a
priest," Miki Price said. "It totally blesses me that John was the
first to see it."
James Skedros, dean of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox
School of Theology in Brookline, Mass., said that although icons don't exude
oil every day, similar episodes have taken place across the U.S. There is no
formal process in the Orthodox Church of authenticating such incidents as
miracles, he said, but they are believed to hold significance.
Could the phenomenon be attributed to a reaction to
the church's environment? Of course, Skedros said. But what bishop wants to
question the congregation, discredit a priest or doubt God?
Indeed, Demetrios sees the rivulets of oil and
powerful perfume emanating from the icon as a blessing for a wounded
In 2007, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese suspended a
former priest over allegations he sexually abused minors in the early 1970s
while he was a priest at Assumption, when it was located in Olympia Fields. The
parish moved to Homer Glen in 2013.
"God through this icon is somehow healing this
parish from some serious hurt in its past," Demetrios said.
Helen Conits, who joined the parish last week, said
the icon has offered her comfort and peace of mind. On Wednesday, she came to the
church to be anointed with oil in the sacrament of holy unction and to pick up
a cotton ball for her ailing father and her daughter.
"I do believe in miracles," she said.
"I don't necessarily have to see it, but it's nice. At a time when
everything seems to be falling apart in the world and for us personally, it's
nice to see."
ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ FM - Το ορθόδοξο ραδιόφωνο από την Κάλυμνο
Δεξί κλικ, άνοιγμα σε νέο παράθυρο
Είς κοινήν απάντων των Ορθοδόξων ωφέλειαν
Eν κατακλείδι, παρακαλώ με ταπείνωση, Πατέρες και αδελφοί, να βοηθήσετε και εμένα τον αμαρτωλὸ και αδιάφορο για την σωτηρία μου, με την προσευχή σας…και έτσι να ξυπνήσω απο την αναισθησία μου και να καλώ το όνομα του Κυρίου μας για βοήθειά μου. Αμήν. (Ιερομ. Κλεόπας Ηλίε, Ρουμάνος)...... Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι όλη η προσπάθεια γίνεται προς ''δόξαν Θεού'' και χωρίς κάποιο όφελος. Εάν, δίχως την πρόθεσή μας θίγουμε πνευματικά δικαιώματα, παρακαλούμε για την ενημέρωσή μας. Είς δόξαν του έν Τριάδι Θεού και της Υπεραγίας Δεσποίνης ημών Θεοτόκου. Είς κοινήν απάντων των Ορθοδόξων ωφέλειαν.
«Να σέβεστε ένα θρησκευτικό βιβλίο - είναι ιερό! Είναι πολύ δύσκολο να το βρεις - φρόντισέ το! Εάν αντιμετωπίζεται με ευγένεια και αγάπη, ένα βιβλίο μπορεί να υπάρχει για εκατοντάδες χρόνια. Διαβάστε αυτό το βιβλίο συχνά, σας οδηγεί στο φως, θα σας μάθει να ζείτε, να εργάζεστε, να πιστεύετε και να αγαπάτε. Αφήστε αυτό το βιβλίο να είναι ο ιερός σας σύντροφος, παντού και πάντα! Αυτός που εμπιστεύεται στον Θεό δεν θα χαθεί ποτέ».
Μη ζητάς συμβουλές από μένα, ένα φτωχό και άθλιο μοναχό. Δεν έχω την ικανότητα ν’ ατενίσω τα ουράνια ύψη, ούτε να βυθομετρήσω τα θαλάσσια βάθη… Δεν έχω την ευφυΐα ν’ ανοίξω δρόμους σε ορμητικά ποτάμια, ούτε να χτίσω φράγματα σ’ ανοιχτές λίμνες… Δεν έχω τη δυνατότητα να μετρήσω τα πέρατα του κόσμου, ούτε να κατανοήσω τους νόμους του σύμπαντος…
Δεν έχω την πρόθεση ν’ αλλάξω όλους τους ανθρώπους, ούτε τη φιλοδοξία να εξαλείψω από τον κόσμο το κακό… Ούτε μ’ αυτή, ούτε μ’ εκείνη, ούτε με κάποιαν άλλη γνώση ή ικανότητα έχω προικισθεί εγώ, ένας αγροίκος και αναίσθητος αμαρτωλός, που τίποτα καλό δεν κάνει.
Μόνο το λόγο του Θεού και τις συγγραφές των Πατέρων μπορώ να συστήσω σ΄ εκείνους που λαχταρούν ν’ ακούσουν και να υπακούσουν – σ’ εκείνους που διψούν για σωτηρία. Από επιστολή ανώνυμου ρώσου μοναχού, 16ος αι. (διασκευή)
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