Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 27 Αυγούστου 2024

On the 26th of August we also commemorate Saint Joasaph the king of India.

On the 26th of August we also commemorate Saint Joasaph the king of India.
In the time of Constantine the Great, there lived in India a pagan king named Abenner, who had a son Joasaph. Abenner was a wise administrator and fearless warrior, but he was loyal to the polytheistic customs of India, and despised the Christians.
When Prince Joasaph was born, the king called astrologers and wise men to prophecy his kingship, and one predicted that he would become Christian and give up his throne. The furious king ordered every Christian to be killed or banished, and he put the Prince in a guarded castle to shield him from any Christian influence.
For his entire youth, Joasaph was confined to the castle where he was taught about the pagan customs and warfare. After time, Abenner was convinced that that the prophecy was false, and agreed to let the Prince see his future kingdom.
At this time, a monk named Barlaam was told by God that he must bring the salvation of God's word to the Prince over 1000 miles away. Disguised as a merchant, Barlaam (left) was able to get into the castle, and preached the Christian faith to the young Prince Joasaph (right).
Unfulfilled with the luxuries of his kingdom, and seeking to fulfill his soul, Joasaph came to believe in Christ, and accepted holy Baptism. In the months that followed the entire household was converted, including King Abenner who eventually became a hermit.
Barlaam returned to the wilderness, Abenner reposed, and Joasaph became king. Shortly into his reign, and in accordance with the prophecy, Joasaph abdicated the throne to go to the desert in search of his spiritual father. He eventually found Barlaam's cave, and together they struggled in asceticism.
After his beloved Elder reposed, Joasaph dwelt in the wilderness for a further 35 years, reposing at age 60.
Barachias, Joasaph's successor as king, with the help of a hermit, found the incorrupt and fragrant relics of both ascetics in the cave, and buried them in a church built by the holy king

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