Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024



   Hell was already almost full, but there were still many sinners waiting at its gates.   The devil had no choice but to close the door.   He went out to the candidates for admission and spoke to them:

   "There is only one part left, and of course only one of you who has been the greatest sinner can understand it." 

   Then he asked: "Is there a professional killer among those present or an assassin?" 

   Not hearing an affirmative answer, he was forced to begin examining all the sinners standing in line. 

   The Devil's gaze locked on one of them, who had somehow managed to stay out of his attention until now. 

   "And what did you do?"   asked the Devil. 

   "Nothing.  I'm a decent person and I ended up here by accident." 

   "It's impossible.   You must have been guilty of something." 

   "Truly I say," protested the moved man, "I have always tried to be as far from sin as possible."   I saw how some wronged others, but I was not a part of it.   I saw children starving to death, being sold and the weakest being treated like trash.   I have seen people do stupid things and blame each other for it.   Only I was free from temptation and did nothing.   When". 

   "Ever?" - asked the Devil incredulously. "But did you really see all this with your own eyes?" 

   "Definitely yes." 

   "And you really never did anything?"   - the Devil repeated his question.   "Anichoghishinko".

   The devil smiled with satisfaction, “Come in, friend!   The last place is yours! 

   A saint, walking through the city, saw a girl in rags begging for alms. 

   “Lord, why do you allow this?   Do something, I beg you," the saint turned to God. 

   And at night, on the TV news, he watched reports of people killing each other, saw the eyes of dying children, their bodies exhausted from hunger. 

   Again he cried out to God: "Lord, look how much trouble!   Do something!” 

   At night, the saint heard the voice of the Lord: "I have already done something: I created you."

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