Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 20 Απριλίου 2022

Today's scripture reading (Matt. 26:6-16)

Today's scripture reading (Matt. 26:6-16) provide a stark contrast between the treachery of Judas who betrayed Christ for money and the sinful woman who anointed our Lord with a very costly ointment. While she brought myrrh to anoint Christ, Judas brings only greed and avarice. As she gladly pours out the very costly ointment upon Jesus, Judas secretly sells his Master Who is above any price. The woman let out her hair to wipe the Lord's feet, while Judas stretches out his hands to receive thirty pieces of silver. By anointing Christ, the sinful woman acknowledges Him as Lord and was set free of her sins, while Judas severs his relationship with the Master and is enslaved by Satan. And most sadly, this woman tenderly kisses the feet of Christ asking for forgiveness, while Judas betrays the Lord with an intimate kiss upon the cheek.

Fr. John

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