Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

- The Wars of Justinian by Prokopios

The Eastern Roman historian Prokopios described the fall of the Western Roman Empire in his work The Wars of Justinian. He wrote that “the barbarian element among them became strong” and the Romans “were increasingly compelled by force to be tyrannized by the intruders”

When Zeno “was reigning in Byzantion [Constantinople], the power in the West was held by Augustus, whom the Romans used to call by the diminutive [Romulus] Augustulus because he assumed power while he was still a child, and his father Orestes, a man of the greatest discretion, administered it for him. Now it happened a short time before that the Romans had led the Sciri, Alans, and other Gothic nations into an alliance with them, and from that time on they suffered at the hands of Alaric and Attila…In proportion as the barbarian element became strong, just so did the prestige of the Roman soldiers decline, and under the fair name of alliance they were increasingly compelled by force to be tyrannized by the intruders, so that the latter ruthlessly forced many other measures upon the Romans against their will, and finally demanded that they distribute among them all the lands of Italy.”

Source - The Wars of Justinian by Prokopios

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