Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 6 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Theophany is one of the Twelve Major Feasts of the Church ...

Theophany is one of the Twelve Major Feasts of the Church and means “revelation or manifestation of God” because the Trinity is made manifest in this event: Christ being baptized in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit alighting upon Him, and the Father’s voice booming from the heavens.

Interestingly, in the Theophany icon, Christ is traditionally shown nude in the water (although many more recent depictions have Jesus wearing a towel for modesty). The reason for this is to show that Christ is the “New Adam” Who comes to re-sanctify Creation. Thus, as naked man sinned and felt shame in his predicament, Christ came to take away the shame of sin and restore man to his initial glory in the “image and likeness” of his Creator.

Therefore, although Christ is baptized in the River Jordan, it is really the Jordan and all of Creation that is being baptized in Christ: the re-consecration of Creation.

Fr. John

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