Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

The repeated earthquakes on Mount Athos brought to my memory ....

 The repeated earthquakes on Mount Athos brought to my memory an incident that I experienced several years ago in Mikraianna during my visit to the Escort of Saint Gerasimos the Hymnographer.  It was summer, the month of July, and we were preparing to go to Agia Anna for the vigil of her feast day.  Suddenly the holy Gerasimos shouted to us "Get away from the rocks everyone inside there will be an earthquake", indeed in a little while the earth began to shake violently and stones fell from everywhere with a terrifying noise.  When the earth calmed down, he said to us, "We are starting, we are late." Elder, I said to him, did you understand that there will be an earthquake?  "Arapakos" warned me, he said laughing, pointing to his favorite mule that had put his head between the two front legs of his friend's mule and vice versa to protect them from the fury of the earthquake.  "Animals perceive the coming vibration and alert us with their own language as long as we understand it".  completed the saint of God.  "And after such a great earthquake will the vigil be held?"  I asked in vain, "everything will be normal in the memory of "Grandma" he answered me Let's go we will be late " and we went and everything was normal in the midst of aftershocks and psalms.

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