Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

The Search for God in an Unbelieving World!!!

The Search for God
The Search for God in an Unbelieving World

In all of eternity our God chose to create humankind in His image and likeness, offering His creatures the opportunity to commune with Him in the endlessness that is time. The Lord has given us free will, allowing us to choose, or not to choose, a relationship with Him. We, in our freedom, can choose between good (God) and evil (Satan). It is our choice.

We can usually tell the difference between good and evil. Murder and theft are obviously to be found in the evil camp, whereas kindness, philanthropic deeds, mercy and love, are in the camp of holiness, and the divine. Yet so many feel that God is simply a myth, a nice idea, but hardly believable. If this God they'd like to believe in were truly real, wouldn't He make it easier to see Him, and seek Him out? If we are free to choose God, why doesn't He make Himself easier to find? Why does this God expect us to believe in Him when we can not see Him, or feel Him? We ask ourselves, if there be a God, why doesn't He simply make Himself known, letting us choose or not choose communion with Him?

These are questions that many people pose, at least to themselves. Many want to believe there is a God who cares for them, and is capable of making a difference in their day to day struggles, but just can't quite surrender to belief. The nihilistic philosophy that has possessed the hearts of many young people today is based on the despair of an age that has seen so many wars, so much poverty, so many murders, so many children abused, and a seemingly hopeless future. How can there be a God when so much suffering abounds in this world? How can there be a God when even innocent people, good people, suffer?

Where is God? He is in the sunrise. He is in the glorious mountains, and the vast sea that stretches beyond the horizon. He is in the tender touch of a mother's hand on her newborn baby. He is in the protective arm of the police officer who comforts the lost child. He is in the words of absolution pronounced by the priest after a good confession. He is in the smiling face of an old woman at the sight of a young couple holding hands. He is in the wonder of the cosmos on a darkened night. He is in the giggle of a small child playing with his grandfather. God is in the warmth of a kitten held in one's hand.

God is in the cross that bore the Son of Man. He is in the bread and wine that becomes His body and blood during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. The Lord is the transforming Spirit that changes hearts and makes men saints. God is closer to us than our own breath, and more loving than a grandmother's embrace of a sick child. He is everywhere, for there is no place He can not be. He fills all things. He is everywhere to be seen if only we look with open eyes and open hearts.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

Photos: 1) We baptized Chase Cook this past Thursday. Chase took Saint Gabriel of Georgia as his patron saint. Many years to the newly baptized Gabriel!  2) We had two Buddhist monks visit the monastery on Friday.

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