Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2024

(From the life of Saint Ephrem the Syrian)

...He was going to Edessa on pilgrimage to look for a holy man with whom he would be able to lead the monastic life when it so happened that he met a woman of I'll repute on the way. He pretended to accept her propositions and told her to follow him into the city but, instead of threading his way to one of the usual obscure haunts of sin, he led her toward the main square. "Why are you taking me there?" The prostitute said to him, seeing the direction in which they were heading. "Haven't you any shame at letting people see you like this?"
"Poor woman," the Saint replied, "you are afraid of being looked at by other people. But why aren't you afraid of being looked at by God, who sees everything and on the last day, will judge our actions and our most secret thoughts?" Gripped by fear the woman repented and the Saint directed her to a place where she could work out her salvation.

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