Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2023

The recently reposed Fr. Michael Oleksa (memory eternal) expounds on some very interesting things in his book "Orthodox Alaska". I highly recommend it to anyone.

No single nation or culture can ever fully manifest or become the ultimate expression of truth, or will ever be a totally Christian, completely universal embodiment of the Gospel. No individual except Jesus Christ himself ever will. However, each person and each nation is called to strive to embody, to "incarnate" the Word of God, each in its irreproducible, absolutely unique way, realizing that in this world the task is unattainable and will be consummated only in the Kingdom to come. Every individual believer strives to attain to the stature of Christ without ever realizing it. Likewise, each must seek this impossible goal while recognizing that the process, begun at baptism, of its corporate and personal sense has no end. Even in the Kingdom of God, the continuing growth and transformation, "from glory to glory" constitutes an infinite and never-ending transfiguration of the human personality, for to be "in Christ" is to be without limit...

The recently reposed Fr. Michael Oleksa (memory eternal) expounds on some very interesting things in his book "Orthodox Alaska". I highly recommend it to anyone.

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