Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 25 Μαρτίου 2025

Filoxenia/hospitality on Athos!!


Every pilgrim who has ever been to Athos has experienced that it is not always easy to make a reservation for a place to sleep. Most large monasteries and some skiti now have an email address or an online page form to make a booking, but for two monasteries, (old) Esfigmenou and Stravronikita, it is still the case that you have to call at a set and favorable time. As you may know, we keep a close eye on which email addresses are up to date and whether anything has changed on our page How to plan a visit?
Your help as a reader is very welcome: in recent years we have often received information from active readers, for which we are still grateful.

One of the places we often receive questions about is Bogoroditsa or Xylourgou. As far as I know, there are no contact details for these Russian skiti. I also do not know whether hospitality is provided at all. There may be (Russian) readers who do have more information, we would be happy to receive it. Only a small number of cells have the opportunity to offer hospitality to pilgrims: the places known to us are also listed under the page How to plan a visit?

The newest place to sleep I found last week, with the help of a reader. It is a small cell located in Kapsala, called Kalyvi Kipourou, not far from the large cell of Nicolás Bourazeri. The cell is run by Father Gabriel, who offers hospitality to pilgrims with a number of stable beds, who can register via a website. The website also has a webshop with a number of monastic products. If you know of any other cells that offer hospitality, please let us know (use the contact form in the right column).

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