Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 31 Ιουλίου 2024

Story of great wisdom!!!

Story of great wisdom

A little boy came home crying because during the school activities, the teacher appointed him to play a minor role, but his classmate had given to play a main character. After listening to the child, the mother calmly put her watch in the boy's palm, then she asked the boy,"What do you see?" The boy replied,"Gold case, hour and minute hands." Then his mother opened the rear of the watch and asked the boy the same question. He saw many small gears and screws. The mother said to the boy, "if any of the parts is missing, the watch cannot work. Even those parts that you almost do not see is equally important."
No matter what role we played in the community, as long as it is our responsibility, we should try our very best to accomplish it. Regardless how small the things or even the most minor role, there is a value and significance of its existence.

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