Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Wavering in Quest of the Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved!!!


Wavering in Quest of the Kingdom Which Cannot Be Moved

We use the energy of emotion, pain or contrition for our converse with God. We begin to pray according to our need, for example, for forgiveness of our transgressions and the healing of our heart from the pestilence of sin. Keeping this humble attitude, we pour out our heart before God to the end, and we receive His consolation. Then, we even forget how our affliction began; only the consolation of prayer remains. In this way, we derive profit from every event, whether positive or negative.

We repeat the judgment of the Son of God in our life every time we accept some mortification for the sake of God’s commandment: this mortification becomes life-giving, and the result is victory over death. Saint Peter says that such suffering in accordance with the commandments of God has true glory. Therefore, we should not be afraid to be vulnerable for Christ’s sake, because He takes revenge by becoming our Rewarder, and His reward is life in abundance, the life of Resurrection. Christ says, ‘Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world;’ those who suffer for God’s commandments share in His victory.



Stability – Searching with Zeal for a New Beginning in the Way of the Lord

The Glory of Suffering

A Few Thoughts on the Converse of Monks

The Wondrous Narrowness of the Monastic Path

Confirmation of the Great Gifts of God by the Saints and Discernment in Spiritual Relationships

Practical Manifestations of the Spirit of Monasticism in Community Life

The Prowess of Faith

Proximity with the Holy Word of God

Commentary on Parables from the Gospel

The Parable to the Sower

The Parable of the Talents

The Parable of the Rich Man and Poor Lazarus

The Great Supper

The Good Samaritan

Different Kinds of Prayer in our Unceasing Converse with Him

Humbly Abiding in the Remembrance of Hell Saves Man from the Threat of Hell

More on the Mystery of Obedience

The Reflection of Trinitarian Life in All Mankind

Index of Scriptural References


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